No. 25-2, May 2018
- Editorial
- Police corruption: a comparison between China and India
- The creation of express, resulting and constructive trust in banking transactions
- Financing terrorism through hawala banking in Switzerland
- Uncomfortable truths? ML=BS and AML= BS2
- Combatting organised crime and terrorism in Central Asia
- Madoff’s Ponzi investment fraud: a social capital analysis
- A public perception study on bribery as a crime in Turkey
- The law is just the law: analysing the definition of corruption in Zimbabwe
- Moving in the right direction to fight financial crime: prevention and detection
- Asset misappropriation in small businesses
- Tackling fraud effectively in central government departments. A review of the legal powers, skills and regulatory environment of UK central government counter fraud teams
- Impact of fraud on Ghanaian SMEs and coping mechanisms
- Bitcoin money laundering: mixed results?. An explorative study on money laundering of cybercrime proceeds using bitcoin
- Inventory control weaknesses – a case study of lubricant manufacturing company
- Adequacy of law enforcement and prosecution of economic crimes in South Africa
- The art of deterrence: Singapore’s anti-money laundering regimes
- Fraud prevention in Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
- Backdating of executive stock options: comparing financial and nonfinancial industries
- Fraud prevention initiatives in the Nigerian public sector. Understanding the relationship of fraud incidences and the elements of fraud triangle theory
- A model for preventing corruption
- Regulating virtual currencies – the challenges of applying fiat currency laws to digital technology services
- Nigerian corruption complex: rethinking complementarities to curative measures
- Cheque kiting? I have an idea!!
- Greed of the elite; capital flight from a fragile country: case of Burundi
- Borderless crimes and digital forensic: Nigerian perspectives