No. 26-3, July 2019
- Editorial
- Antecedents and consequences of staff-related fraud in the Ghanaian banking industry
- Learning from failure: cross-border confiscation in the EU
- The relationship between foreign aid and corruption: a case of selected Asian countries
- Seeds of systemic corruption in the post-Brexit UK
- Conceptualizing corruption prevention: a systematic literature review
- Bribery – an obstacle to international development
- The effect of corruption on bank profitability
- Effects of corruption on military expenditures. Empirical evidence from different income level countries
- Insider trading – unsolved issues
- Impact of terrorism on stock markets across the world and stock returns. An event study of Taj attack in India
- A comparative study of retail banking practices in compliance with regulatory standard
- A Gadamerian perspective on financial crimes. An issue of historically-rooted prejudices and narrative strategies
- Anti-corruption reporting in emerging country multinationals
- Using the lie detector test to curb corruption in the Nigerian Police Force
- Climbing the corporate ladder: desired leadership skills and successful psychopaths
- The effect of SOX on audit quality
- Impact of economic and financial crimes on economic growth in emerging and developing countries. A systematic review