No. 14-1, January 2024
- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- How Should We Understand the Policing Tool Known as 'Stop and Search'?
- An Exploration into The Different Interpretations of Judicial Independence Amongst The European Union and Its Impact on The Rule of Law: Is Judicial Independence Sufficiently Being Achieved in the UK Constitution?
- Resource Allocation Decisions: Accountability for Healthcare Professionals
- A Critical Discussion of the Causes of Miscarriages of Justice in England and Wales within the Role of the Police and the Steps that Can Be Taken to Prevent These
- Reconsidering The Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility to Eight Years Old
- Insurable Interest in 'Double Sold' Commodities: Unveiling The Grain of Truth Through Quadra Commodities V XL Insurance Co [2022] and Its Significance in Modern Insurance Law
- Evaluating the Need for Comprehensive Reform: An Analysis of the UK's Surrogacy Laws And Proposed Changes
- Miscarriages of Justice: Is the Courtroom Still Fit for Purpose?
- A Review of the Youth Justice System: To what extent should there be a mandatory minimum sentence for serious crimes?
- Man V Machine: How AI Is Testing The Legal Notion of Copyright
- Critical Analysis of Versloot's Challenge to Lord Hobhouse's Doctrine on Fraudulent Insurance Claims
- Assessing Fraudulence in Insurance Claims- A Comprehensive Analysis of an Evolving Concept and Regime
- A Contemporary Review of Causation in Marine Insurance
- The Cost of Protecting Privacy: A Critical Analysis of How in the Current Data Driven Economy Chapter V of The General Data Protection Regulation Operates as a Barrier to International Digital Trading
- Striking a Balance Between Paternalism and Autonomy in Healthcare Decision-Making
- No-Property Rule in Light of The Haynes Case
- The Significance of The Ocean Victory Case in Maritime Insurance