Fair Procedures in UK Law
R (Siborurema) v Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education
In its decision on complaints, OIA is expected to follow rational and fair procedures and to give adequate reasons for its decisions and recommendations. Thus the procedures followed and the decision letters which emerged can properly be scrutinised with that object in mind.
It is for the OIA in each case to decide the nature and extent of the investigation required having regard to the nature of the particular complaint and on any application for judicial review the court should recognise the expertise of the OIA and is likely to be slow to accept that its choice of procedure was improper. Similarly, I should not expect the court to be easily persuaded that its decision and any consequent recommendation was unsustainable in law.
R v H and Another
The problem of reconciling an individual defendant's right to a fair trial with such secrecy as is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or the prevention or investigation of crime is inevitably difficult to resolve in a liberal society governed by the rule of law. It is not surprising that complaints of violation have been made against member states including the United Kingdom, some of which have exposed flaws in or malfunctioning of our domestic procedures.
Burger v The office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education The London School of Economics (Interested Party)
The OIA was set up to provide speedy, effective and cost effective resolution of students' complaints. It was not set up as a court or tribunal or other judicial body. Any court asked to review its decisions must, therefore, act with caution. One must look to the nature of the complaint before the OIA and how the OIA responded in far more general terms than might be the case when reviewing a decision of a judge. Even if no errors had been made the result would have been the same.
R (West) v Parole Board; R (Smith) v Parole Board (No 2) (Conjoined Appeals)
It may often be very difficult to address effective representations without knowing the points which are troubling the decision-maker. The prisoner should have the benefit of a procedure which fairly reflects, on the facts of his particular case, the importance of what is at stake for him, as for society.
Jsc Bta Bank (Respondent / Claimant) v Mukhtar Ablyazov
It is difficult to imagine a party to commercial litigation who has acted with more cynicism, opportunism and deviousness towards court orders than Mr Ablyazov. Rix LJ has described in trenchant terms the factors which cause me to express myself in this way. There can be no complaint that Teare J decided that the court's powers should be deployed so as to put the maximum pressure on Mr Ablyazov to comply with its orders so as to endeavour to prevent its fair procedures from being subverted.
Secretary of State for the Home Department v AF (No 3)
The best way of producing a fair trial is to ensure that a party to it has the fullest information of both the allegations that are made against him and the evidence relied upon in support of those allegations. How that conflict is to be resolved is a matter for Parliament and for government, subject to the law laid down by Parliament.
Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
... ... (10) The IPSA must determine procedures to be followed by the IPSA in relation to publication of the information, ... (6) Procedures under this section must be fair, and before determining procedures the IPSA must consult—(a) the Speaker ... ...
Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010
... ... (5) The Commission—(a) must determine procedures for the making of complaints and for the investigation and consideration ... (2) A person's selection must be on merit on the basis of fair and open competition ... (3) The following selections are excepted from ... ...
The Public Contracts Regulations 2015
... ... ;(b) advice on the conduct or design of public procurement procedures;(c) preparation and management of procurement procedures on behalf and for ... economic operator, whether public or private, or(c) might prejudice fair competition between economic operators ... Annotations: Amendments ... ...
- Regulatory Reform Act 2001
Why Fair Procedures Always Make a Difference
Section 31(2A) of the Senior Courts Act 1981 (as inserted by the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015) requires judges to refuse relief in judicial review of administrative decisions if it is ‘high...
Pre‐Trial Defence Rights and the Fair Use of Eyewitness Identification Procedures
This paper sets out the normative basis of a claim to procedural rights concerning the fair use of eyewitness identification procedures. It is argued that there are two aspects to suspects' procedu...
Books reviewed: Sandra Berns and Paula Baron Company Law and Governance: An Australian Perspective Nicola Lacey Unspeakable Subjects: Feminist Essays in Legal and Social Theory Peter Birks (ed) Pri...... ... Rosalind English* D. J. Galligan , Due Process and Fair Procedures: A Study of Administrative Procedures , Oxford: Clarendon ... ...
Exploring equal value dispute procedures. Power and conflict under Labour
The paper seeks to draw attention to the complexity involved in developing fair procedures for assessing equal value in employment. It first highlights different aspects of fairness in relation to ...... ... justice literature (Lind et al.,1993; McCabe and Rabil, 2002; Saunders and Thornhill, 2003) reveals that clear andprecise definitions of fair procedures are not always evident and determining exactlywhat these procedures should be results in multifaceted views. It is outside the scope ... ...
Redundancy: Guidance for Employers on Following a Fair Procedure
Continuing economic uncertainty presents employers with challenging employment decisions and on occasion the need to conduct redundancy exercises. A number of cases over the last couple of years ha...... ... provides a reminder of the basic procedure that an employer must follow to effect a fair redundancy, summarises recent cases on these procedures and highlights the key lessons to be drawn by employers in order to follow fair redundancy processes.Effecting a Fair Dismissal by Reason of ... ...
UK banks commit to dispute resolution processes for larger SMEs, including legacy complaints
In March 2018, UK Finance commissioned an independent review of the complaints and resolution landscape for UK SMEs from Simon Walker CBE, Professor Christopher Hodges and Professor Robert, who pub...... ... SME disputes that remain unresolved through existing complaints procedures and may be unsuitable for court process. In order to achieve fair outcomes ... ...
Governing Bodies' Disciplinary Procedures - (The Sport Lawyer)
...Historically, the courts have been reluctant to overturn decisions of a Sport's Governing Body (GB) for want of fair or rational decisions: it is generally accepted that sport has the necessary expertise to deal with its own disciplinary issues. As Lord Denning ... ...
Seafarer On Foreign Flag Vessel Has UK Unfair Dismissal Rights
... ... – even in the case of non-UK flagged vessels – ... of having a "fair reason" for dismissal of UK based ... seafarers and also following what a UK tribunal would regard as ... fair procedures. A topical judgment in the current economic ... Furthermore, employers ... ...
Notice of Reference relating to the validity of a Blight or Purchase Counter Notice
Lands Chamber (Upper Tribunal) forms including appeals forms.... ... Tel: 020 7612 9710 ... Fax: 0870 761 7751 ... Case management procedures note ... Case Management ... A step by step summary of our procedures is ... for appropriate directions to be given for the fair, expeditious and economical conduct of the proceedings. Where ... ...
Response to a notice of reference BNO
Lands Chamber (Upper Tribunal) forms including appeals forms.... ... Print form ... Reset form ... Print form ... Case management procedures note ... Case Management ... A step by step summary of our procedures is ... for appropriate directions to be given for the fair, expeditious and economical conduct of the proceedings. Where ... ...