Forum Non Conveniens in UK Law
Spiliada Maritime Corporation v Cansulex Ltd
I feel bound to say that I doubt whether the Latin tag forum non conveniens is apt to describe this principle. For the question is not one of convenience, but of the suitability or appropriateness of the relevant jurisdiction.
(1) The basic principle is that a stay will only be granted on the ground of forum non conveniens where the court is satisfied that there is some other available forum, having competent jurisdiction, which is the appropriate forum for the trial of the action, i.e. in which the case may be tried more suitably for the interests of all the parties and the ends of justice.
So it is for connecting factors in this sense that the court must first look; and these will include not only factors affecting convenience or expense (such as availability of witnesses), but also other factors such as the law governing the relevant transaction (as to which see Credit Chimique v. James Scott Engineering Group Ltd. 1982 S.L.T. 131), and the places where the parties respectively reside or carry on business.
But, in my opinion, this is a case where practical justice should be done.
Spiliada Maritime Corporation v Cansulex Ltd
Lucasfilm Ltd v Ainsworth
The question there was whether the court could stay proceedings in a case where the same point was being litigated between the same parties in the courts of a third country. We do not have decide whether that was correct, though we note that, if he his right, there is this oddity: that there is a clear lis pendens rule, with associated court first seized rule, for parallel cases within the EU but none for parallel cases where one is running within an EU Member State and one without.
AK Investment CJSC v Kyrgyz Mobil Tel Ltd
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982
... ... declining jurisdiction on the ground of forum non conveniens ... ...
Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Act 2021
... ... limits the availability of, or otherwise affects, any plea of forum non conveniens in respect of proceedings to which this section applies ... ...
... ... 5. Transmission to Forum conveniens.—If a sheriff before whom an application under the Act is ... ...
The Restriction of the Power of the Courts to Stay Proceedings in Favour of More Appropriate International Courts: The Decision in Owusu v Jackson
The judgment in Owusu v Jackson has provided an answer to the controversy over whether courts of EU Member States have discretion to stay proceedings in favour of courts of non-Member States. Speci...... ... , the European Court of Justice established that the doctrine of forum non conveniens could not be used so as to refuse jurisdiction and stay the ... ...
From famine to feast. The prosecution of multi‐jurisdictional financial crime in the electronic age
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of the common law test for asserting criminal jurisdiction over financial crimes. Historically, the British courts at the turn of th...... ... for the samecriminal conduct, it is recommended that the doctrine of forum non conveniens, a familiar and developedconcept in civil law, be applied ... ...
Reading the Tea Leaves: Campbell v James Finlay (Kenya) Ltd
... ... English-domiciled defendants on the basis that a more appropriate forum exists elsewhere. Campbell v James Findlay (Kenya) Limited3 gives the ... balance when adjudicating on the defender's plea of forum non conveniens. Secondly, it is submitted that this is a frail basis on which to ... ...
... ... might apply; and whether a case could be dismissed on the grounds of forum non conveniens. A persistent undercurrent in these cases is that public ... ...
Forum non-conveniens and access to remedy in transnational business and human rights litigation: an update from Brexit Britain and a glance across the pond
What is forum non-conveniens? According to the principle of “forum non-conveniens” (or inconvenient forum), a court has the power to dismiss a civil action where an appropriate and more convenient ...
Judge Stein Dismisses Securities Fraud Case Against Citi on Forum Non Conveniens Grounds
In an opinion issued today, Judge Stein dismissed the securities fraud claims of a putative class of Citigroup investors led by a United Kingdom-based pension fund. The claims were based on Euro N...
- High Court Orders Stay Of English Proceedings Brought By Bank On Grounds Of Forum Non Conveniens
Parent company liability in England for human rights impacts abroad: Lungowe v Vedanta
Conventionally, a "corporate veil" and the doctrine of "forum non-conveniens" have isolated UK businesses from human rights related claims arising out of the operations of their foreign subsidiaries.... Conventionally, a "corporate veil" and the doctrine of "forum non-conveniens" have isolated UK businesses from human rights related ... ...