Missing Evidence in UK Law
R v R.d.
In considering the question of prejudice to the defence, it seems to us that it is necessary to distinguish between mere speculation about what missing documents or witnesses might show, and missing evidence which represents a significant and demonstrable chance of amounting to decisive or strongly supportive evidence emerging on a specific issue in the case. The court will need to consider what evidence directly relevant to the appellant's case has been lost by reason of the passage of time.
R v Feltham Magistrates Court, ex parte Ebrahim ; Mouat v DPP
If, in such a case, there is sufficient credible evidence, apart from the missing evidence, which, if believed, would justify a safe conviction, then a trial should proceed, leaving the defendant to seek to persuade the jury or magistrates not to convict because evidence which might otherwise have been available was not before the court through no fault of his. Often the absence of a video film or fingerprints or DNA material is likely to hamper the prosecution as much as the defence.
PR v The Crown
It follows that there is no presumption that extraneous material must be available to enable the defendant to test the reliability of the oral testimony of one or more of the prosecution's witnesses. In some instances, this opportunity exists; in others it does not.
Mahbub Alam (1) Fahad Anwar (2) and Another v Secretary of State for the Home Department
The price of securing consistency and predictability is a lack of flexibility that may well result in "hard" decisions in individual cases, but that is not a justification for imposing an obligation on the Secretary of State to conduct a preliminary check of all applications to see whether they are accompanied by all of the specified documents, to contact applicants where this is not the case, and to give them an opportunity to supply the missing documents.
DPP v Fell
Fourthly, the grant of the stay in a case such as this is exceptional. It caters for and only for those cases which cannot be accommodated with all their imperfections within the trial process. It is of course a very different situation where evidence has gone missing through some serious culpability or bad faith on the part of the prosecutor or investigator, but that is not this case.
Secretary of State for the Home Department v Jovy Rodriguez
Taken overall, the Evidential Flexibility process instruction is demonstrably not designed to give an applicant the opportunity first to remedy any defect or inadequacy in the application or supporting documentation so as to save the application from refusal after substantive consideration.
Rodriguez (Flexibility Policy) [Upper Tribunal]
UK Border Agency caseowners employ a measure of flexibility when considering PBS applications. For example, caseowners operate a system which allows them to contact applicants to request further documentation or clarification where appropriate. In addition a validation stage is being trialled whereby applicants are contacted where mandatory evidence is missing and given the opportunity to provide it before their application is rejected.
The Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) Order 2011
... ... to deciding a condition for payment of benefit under Part 2 is missing; and(b) there is other reliable evidence to determine the material fact ... ...
Presumption of Death Act 2013
... ... 13An Act to make provision in relation to the presumed death of missing persons; and for connected purposes.[26th March 2013] ... Be it enacted ... of Presumed Deaths in relation to a person is to be received as evidence of the person's death, without further or other proof, if it purports to ... ...
The European Union (Recognition of Professional Qualifications) Regulations 2015
... ... 3(1) (with Sch.) ... Professional qualifications and evidence of formal qualifications ... ...
Presumption of Death (Scotland) Act 1977
... ... in the law of Scotland in relation to the presumed death of missing persons; and for connected purposes.[22nd July 1977] ... 1: Action of ... order which has been made in that court shall be sufficient evidence of those facts ... 10: Decree of court furth of Scotland to be ... ...
A missing piece in the debate about naked statistical evidence
In this article, I want to draw attention to a class of cases that is ignored, sometimes deliberately, in the debate about the probative value of naked statistical evidence (NSE). I am talking abou...
Further evidence on the extent and time course of repeat missing incidents involving children: A research note
This study examines the extent and time course of repeat missing incidents involving children. Using data from one UK police force (n = 2,251), we find (1) that the majority (65%) of missing incide...
Further evidence on the extent and time course of repeat missing incidents involving children: A research note
This study examines the extent and time course of repeat missing incidents involving children. Using data from one UK police force (n = 2,251), we find (1) that the majority (65%) of missing incide...
Lost from the conversation: Missing people, and the role of Police media in shaping community awareness
Media as a public health messaging tool can shape community perception. In missing persons’ investigations Police utilise media to assist in location and recovery of absent people. This study, of A...... ... This study, of Australian media in 2019, revealed that the statistical evidence ofwho goes missing, and returns, revealed that is not replicated in news articles. Contentanalysis of 2,400 media items highlighting a disconnect ... ...
"Wagatha Christie": Adverse Inferences Can Be Drawn Where Evidence Has Been Lost
... ... In the recent case of Vardy v Rooney, the High Court ... provided useful guidance as to how it will deal with the issue of ... lost or missing evidence ... The court can draw adverse inferences against a party where ... data has been lost; particularly where the loss appears deliberate ... ...
Anticorruption compliance is more than adopting a policy
When the prosecutors come knocking on the door with a search warrant, one of the first things they will look for is evidence as to whether the company adhered to and fulfilled the six principles of...... ... a search warrant, one of the first things they will look for is evidence as to whether the company adhered to and fulfilled the six principles of dequate procedures. If one or more of those six steps is missing, the company may have no defence to a prosecution, because prosecutors ... ...
Spoliation and the Evolution of Case Law
In Seattle Tunnel Partners v. Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, __ P.3d __ (Wash. Ct. App. Mar. 27, 2023), the Washington Court of Appeals, Division 1, discusses the evolution of Washington case la...... ... , discusses the evolution of Washington case law on spoliation of evidence and details the circumstances justifying the imposition of spoliation ... alleged spoliator owes a duty to the moving party to preserve the missing, lost, or destroyed evidence. The court found that, while petitioner ... ...
Aston V City Of Liverpool YMCA ' A Leap Of Faith?
... ... in the face of inconsistent and unreliable evidence whether the ... YMCA were liable for the injuries sustained by a resident ... unsatisfactory or missing evidence on both sides to reach its ... conclusions - a somewhat ... ...
Flats and premises collective enfranchisement (missing landlord)
Leasehold enfranchisement and extension applications forms including the form to apply for determination of reasonable costs.... ... Please do not send any other documents ... When further evidence is needed, you will be asked to send it in separately ... ... If you have any questions about how to fill in this form or the ... ...
Flats and premises leasehold enfranchisement (missing landlord, lease terms and/or premium)
Leasehold enfranchisement and extension applications forms including the form to apply for determination of reasonable costs.... ... Please do not send any other documents ... When further evidence is needed, you will be asked to send it in separately. ... If you have any questions about how to fill in this form or the procedures ... ...
Apply to determine the price for enfranchisement of houses with missing landlord
Leasehold enfranchisement and extension applications forms including the form to apply for determination of reasonable costs.... ... Please do not send any other documents ... When further evidence is needed, you will be asked to send it in separately ... If you have any questions about how to fill in this form or the procedures the ... ...
Supplement for an application for a Recovery Order
Standard directions forms under the Children Act.... ... the responsible person ... [is] [are] missing ... The reason(s) for the application ... Include your ground(s) for ... If you are relying on a report or other documentary evidence, state the date(s) and author(s) ... and enclose a copy ... ...