Time Limit in UK Law
Dedman v British Building & Engineering Appliances Ltd
Contrariwise, docs total ignorance of his rights inevitably mean that it is impracticable for him to present his complaintin time? It would be necessary to pay regard to his circumstances and the course of events. What were his opportunities for finding out that he had rights? The word "practicable" is there to moderate the severity of the maxim and to require an examination of the circumstances of his ignorance.
Walls Meat Company Ltd v Khan
It is simply to ask this question: Had the man just cause or excuse for not presenting his complaint within the prescribed time? Ignorance of his rights - or ignorance of the time limit - is not just cause or excuse, unless it appears that he or his advisers could not reasonably be expected to have been aware of them. If he or his advisers could reasonably have been so expected, it was his or their fault, and he must take the consequences.
The performance of an act, in this case the presentation of a complaint, is not reasonably practicable if there is some impediment which reasonably prevents, or interferes with, or inhibits, such performance.
Costellow v Somerset County Council
As so often happens, this problem arises at the intersection of two principles, each in itself salutary. The first principle is that the rules of court and the associated rules of practice, devised in the public interest to promote the expeditious dispatch of litigation, must be observed. The prescribed time limits are not targets to be aimed at or expressions of pious hope but requirements to be met.
Save in special cases or exceptional circumstances, it can rarely be appropriate, on an overall assessment of what justice requires, to deny the plaintiff an extension (where the denial will stifle his action) because of a procedural default which, even if unjustifiable, has caused the defendant no prejudice for which he cannot be compensated by an award of costs.
Lukaszewski and Others v The District Court in Torun, Poland and Others (No 2)
If and to the extent that it would do so, it must have power to permit and hear an out of time appeal which a litigant personally has done all he can to bring and notify timeously.
Revici v Prentice Hall Incorporated
Nowadays we regard time very differently from what they did in the 19th century. We have had occasion recently to dismiss many cases for want of prosecution when people have not kept to the rules as to time. So here, although the time is not so very long, it is quite long enough. There was ample time for considering whether there should be an appeal or not. Moreover (and this is important), not a single ground or excuse is put forward to explain the delay and why he did not appeal.
- The A78 Trunk Road (Greenock) (30mph Speed Limit and Part-Time 20mph Speed Limit) Order 2016
- The Schools (Part-Time 20mph Speed Limit) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024
- The Belfast Road, Carrickfergus (Part-Time 20mph Speed Limit) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016
- The Schools (Part-Time 20mph Speed Limit) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2018
ICO clarifies time limit for responding to subject access requests
The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has amended its guidance on the time limit for responding to a subject access request (SAR). Under Article 12 GDPR, a data controller must respond to ...
- Shinelock: Inadvertent Time Limit Extension
- Shinelock: Inadvertent Time Limit Extension
Making a No Time Limit (NTL) application
If you are an oversees national in the UK with indefinite leave to enter (ILE) or indefinite leave to remain (ILR) you should consider making an NTL application so that your status can be confirmed...
Application for permission to appeal decision of the Tax Tribunal
First-tier Tribunal (Tax) forms including the application to close an enquiry.... ... decision to be set aside has been unsuccessful ... Time limit for making a First-tier application for permission to appeal ... ...
Application for permission to appeal to Upper Tribunal from First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber)
Forms relating to the General Regulatory Chamber (First-tier Tribunal), including notice of appeal.... ... ... ... ... C ... Time limit for applying to the First-tier Tribunal for permission to appeal to ... ...
Application for permission to appeal a decision of the First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards)
Forms relating to First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards), including appeal forms.... ... If Yes, you must apply for an extension of time by giving your reasons for the delay ... in the box below: ... Continue on ... If you are unsure about the time limit, refer to the guidance ‘Appealing to the First-tier Tribunal (Care ... ...
Form P10
Mental Health Tribunal forms including application and pre-hearing examination forms.... ... Are you making an application for an extension of time? Yes No ... If Yes set out ... limit for filing included attached ... Application for ... ...