3. MISS MADELEINE SYMONS (Chairman of Caxton Hall Juvenile Court)

Published date01 August 1938
Date01 August 1938
Subject MatterArticles
gaps may be filled and adequate accommodation
our needs may be provided.
Our first step, because the standard of non-delin-
(Chairman of Caxton Hall
quent hostels is much higher than that of delinquent
hostels, and because
Juvenile Court)
we want less and less to con-
centrate a large number of delinquents into one spot,
that most of the ground has been covered
must be to try and induce non-delinquent hostels to
by my colleagues, but I was asked to stress
a few probationers.
particularly the problem of women and girls in
us the value of being able to place a few pro-
connection with
among their normal fellows is inestimable;
hostels, homes and lodgings.
while to the hostels the danger need not be great,
To make the position clear, I should like to say
provided that the cases are carefully selected; and
at the outset that one of the reasons which has made
the responsibility for careful selection must lie with
this problem more acute recently has been the in-
the probation office; who must see that this principle
crease in the number of
not prejudiced when asking
younger girls dealt with
any particular hostel
to take a case.
owing to the new &dquo; beyond control &dquo; and &dquo; care or
The payment difficulty can be eased by inducing
protection&dquo; clauses of the 1933 Act.
such hostels to become approved ; but they will only
I am going on the assumption that we are justified
become approved, and stay approved, if we use
in building to some extent on the hope expressed by
them wisely and under the conditions which they
Reynolds that the distinction which has caused
lay down.
so much difficulty between what we can do in a
our second and most important step must be
to concentrate existing effort, increase our co-opera-
probation order and a supervision order is going to
tion with hostels and societies responsible for them,
come to an end fairly soon. At present we cannot
so that some classification may be possible and there
impose conditions in a supervision order and we
may be no...

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