Assam Company's Act 1865

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1865 c. cxxix
#******************-*****4 *****************************
An Act for the Incorporation and better Regulation
of the Affairs of the Assam Company.
[19th "June 1865.]
HEREAS the Assam Company (in this Act called the Deed of Set-
Society) were established as a Society or Partnership, with J I1"!11-',
an English Domicile, by a Deed of Settlement dated the
Thirty-first Day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty,
with a Capital of Five hundred thousand Pounds in Ten thousand
Shares of Fifty Pounds each, for the Cultivation of the Tea Plant in
Assam and elsewhere in India, and the Manufacture of Tea the
and the Culture and Preparation of other Products
there, and dealing in the Tea and Products and incidental Matters :
And whereas by a Supplementary Deed of Settlement dated the Supplemen-
Fourth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty settlement**
Provision wTas made for a local Registry in India of Shareholders of dated 4th
the Society resident in India, and for a local Directory of the Society s'1840#
in India, and for yearly Meetings of Shareholders at Calcutta: And
whereas by Act IV. of the Tenth Day of February One thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five of the Governor General of India in
Council (in this Act called the Society's Act) the Society were
incorporated for Twenty Years from the passing
And whereas
further Provisions with respect to the Society have been made by
[Local,] 20 P Resolutions

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