Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld
Subject MatterOther
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Date08 September 2021
Record NumberIC-81154-W4D3
Reference: IC-81154-W4D3
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Decision notice
Date: 8 September 2021
Public Authority: The British Broadcasting Corporation (the
Address: BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested information relating to editorial
guidelines, copies of complaints, and the recruitment to a post
that was then occupied by Professor Richard Sambrook. The
BBC explained that the first two parts of the request were
covered by the derogation from the FOIA. The BBC also stated
that the third part of the request was exempt under section
40(2) of the FOIA but later, at review, said that the information
was not held.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the information at part one
and two of the request is held by the BBC for the purposes of
‘journalism, art or literature and does not fall inside the FOIA.
She therefore upholds the BBC’s position and requires no
remedial steps to be taken. She also accepts, on the balance of
probability, that the BBC does not hold any information relating
to part three of the request.
Request and response
3. The complainant wrote to the BBC on 19 June 2020 and asked
for the following:
“I refer to page 50 of the BBC Annual Plan 20/21. Please

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