Administration on Intestacy Act 1357

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1357 c. 11,31 Edw. 3 St. 1 c. 11
Statutes made at Westminster, Anno 31 Ede. III. Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1357. To whom the Ordinary may commit the Administration of the Goods of him that dieth intestate. The Benefit and Charge of an Administrator.

(31 Edw. 3 St. 1) C A P. XI.

'ITEM it is accorded and assented, That in case where a Man dieth intestate, the Ordinariesshall depute the next and most lawful Friends of the dead Person intestate to administer his Goods; (2) which Deputies shall have an Action to demand and recover as Executors the Debts due to the said Person intestate in the King's Court, for to administer and dispend for the Soul of the Dead; (3) and shall answer also in the King's Court to other to whom the said dead Person was holden and bound, in the same Manner as Executors shall answer. (4) And they shall be accountable to the Ordinaries, as Executors be in the Case of Testament, as well of the Time past as the Time to come.'

Note : this act is listed in the Chronological Table of Statutes as theAdministration on Intestacy Act, 1357

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