Application for anonymity (IAT)

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterImmigration and Asylum Chamber (Upper Tribunal) forms
Anonymity application form (Immigration & Asylum Tribunal appeals)

You should complete this form when you want to apply for anonymity for your appeal. If this is granted, the tribunal will not publish your name on any documents or court lists it produces.

About You

Full Name

Date of Birth

Your Address

If you are applying for anonymity when making an appeal please provide your Home Office Ref Number


If you have already appealed and have been notified that the tribunal has received your appeal please provide your appeal number

If you have a legal representative, please provide their details

An anonymity order will not be made or maintained unless it is necessary to protect an interest recognised by law and it is important that the public do not know the name of the appellant or someone else closely connected with the appeal.

Where no anonymity order is made the judgment of the tribunal will be entitled with the name of the appellant and will normally refer to the parties, witnesses and evidence without redaction.

Anonymity orders are often made where,

  • Appellants claim that they are at risk of harm and that publishing their names and details may cause them harm or put others at real risk of harm

  • The evidence at the appeal concerns personal information about the lives of those under 18 and their welfare may be injured if such details are revealed and their names are known

  • There is other highly personal evidence in the appeal that should remain confidential


If you want to apply for the Tribunal to make an order for anonymity, you must give your reasons in this box

It is important to note that,

  • When an anonymity order is in force it means that nobody, including the parties to the appeal, may say who the appeal was about, except when dealing with the appeal itself or the consequences of the Tribunal’s decision, without the specific permission of the Tribunal
  • Any party to an appeal may...

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