Application for declaration as to adoption elected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986

Published date21 March 2018
C65 To be completed by the court
Name of court
Date issued
Case number
Fee charged/Remission ID
For declaration as to adoption eected
1. About you (the applicant - a person whose status as an adopted child depends upon an adoption eected overseas)
Your rst name
Middle name(s)
Previous surnames (if any)
Date of birth D D /M M /YYYY Gender Male Female
Place of birth
If you do not wish your address to be made known to the respondent, leave
the address details blank and complete Condential contact details form C8.
You can get a copy of this form from any family court oce or from our website
at hmctsform
Home telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address
You must le with the application a certied copy of the
adoption order made overseas and one of the following
a. a certied copy of the entry in the register of
adoptions as recognised in the State in which the
adoption was eected;
b. a certied copy of the adoption certicate; or
c. a certied copy of the birth certicate made after the
adoption referred to in the application
If any of the documents to be provided are not in English,
you must include English translations certied by a
notary public or authenticated by a statement of truth.
C65 Application For declaration as to adoption eected overseas under section 57 of the Family Law Act 1986 (04.17) © Crown copyright 2017
If you are lling in the application by hand, please use black ink and write in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS.
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