Apply for a judicial review in an immigration or asylum case

Published date21 March 2018
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Upper Tribunal – Immigration and Asylum Chamber
Guidance notes on completing a Judicial Review claim form
© Crown copyright 2017T481Notes (11.17)
This form should not be used where your claim
comprises or includes a challenge of a kind
described in paragraph 3 of the Lord Chief Justice’s
direction dated 21 August 2013, as amended
(attached herewith) or where your claim relates
to a challenge to some other decision not within
paragraph 1 of the direction. Please refer to the
additional information section on page 2 of this
document. Set out below are notes to help you
complete the form. You should read the notes to each
section carefully before you begin to complete that
particular section.
Use a separate sheet if you need more space for your
answers, marking clearly which section the information
refers to. If you do not have all the documents or
information you need for your claim, you must not allow
this to delay sending (by pre-paid post or by document
exchange) or taking the form to the Upper Tribunal
within the correct time at the following address:
Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber
Field House
15-25 Breams Building
DX: 309301 Strand 6
Complete the form as fully as possible and provide
what documents you have. The notes to section 9
will explain more about what you have to do in these
circumstances. For information regarding ling with
Welsh and regional oces of the Tribunal, see:
Time limit for ling a claim
Unless Part 5 of the Senior President of Tribunals
Practice Directions entitled ‘Immigration Judicial
Review in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of
the Upper Tribunal’ applies in relation to the deferral
of removal, the claim must be led promptly and
in any event no later than three months after the
date of the decision, action, or omission to which the
application relates.
If the application challenges a decision at the First-
tier Tribunal, it may be made later than the time
required above, if it is made within one month after
the date on which the Tribunal sent written reasons
for its decision or notication that an ‘in-time’
application for the decision to be set aside had been
Note: Part 5 of the Senior President of Tribunals’ Practice
Directions entitled ‘Immigration Judicial Review in
the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper
Tribunal’ is set out on the website (
chamber-of-the-upper-tribunal). Should you need a
hard copy of these Practice Directions, please contact
the Upper Tribunal or your local Citizen’s Advice.
If you need help to complete the form you should
consult a solicitor or your local Citizen’s Advice.
Section 1 of claim form
Details of the applicant and respondent
Give the full name(s) and address(es) to which all
documents relating to the judicial review are to be sent.
Include contact information e.g. telephone numbers
and any other reference numbers.
Please note that if the respondent is the Secretary
of State for the Home Department (Home Oce), the
relevant name and address for service is:
Litigation Allocation Unit
6 New Square
Bedfont Lakes
TW14 8HA
Section 2
Details of other interested parties
Full details of interested parties must be included in
the claim form; namely you should give details of any
persons directly aected by the decision you wish to
Section 3
Details of the decision to be judicially reviewed
Give details of the decision you seek to have judicially
reviewed. Give the name of the person or body whose
decision you are seeking to judicially review, and the
date on which the decision was made.
Section 4
Permission to bring Judicial Review proceedings
This section must be completed. You must answer all
the questions and give further details where required.

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