Form D8N

Published date21 March 2018
D8N (Notes) Supporting notes for guidance on completing a nullity petition (04.14) © Crown Copyright 2014
Supporting notes for guidance on completing a nullity petition
You should complete this form if you wish to apply to the court to annul your marriage or civil partnership.
In this form any reference to a marriage certicate or civil partnership certicate means a certied copy
of the entry in the Register of Marriages or Register of Civil Partnerships. If you do not have the original
marriage/civil partnership certicate, you can apply for a certi ed copy from the General Register Ofce
or from the relevant Register Ofce. Please see leaet D191 – About Annulment for more details, a
copy of which can be obtained from either a family county court or by going to
In cases of urgent applications it may be possible for you to provide an undertaking to the court to deliver
the original or a certied copy of the marriage/civil partnership certicate to the court at a later date.
If you are attaching any order of the High Court, county court or family court to your petition, it must be
a sealed copy of the order (that is, a copy that has been stamped with the seal of the court). If you are
attaching an order made by a Family Proceedings Court/magistrates’ court, it must be a certied copy (a
copy certied by a court of cer to be a true copy of the original order), or a copy that has been stamped
with the seal of the originating court. If you are in any doubt about what is needed, please contact the
court where you are applying for assistance. Please note, while court staff will help with procedural
matters, they cannot offer legal advice.
Take or send the completed form to the court together with the court fee and any documents you are
attaching in support of your application. You will also need to give the court a copy of the petition and
documents for the Respondent.
You should make your application to the nearest court that deals with divorce/civil partnership matters.
You can nd the full list of courts and what type of work they do online at courttribunal
You may need to pay a fee with your application. You should read leaet EX50 Civil and family court
fees to nd out what fee, if any, you need to pay. This leaet is available from your local court or online at
Complete the form as fully as you are able. If the form is not fully completed the court may be unable to
issue your application and this may delay your case.
Assistance in completing the form
The notes below will help you to complete the form. However, if you are unsure about any of the
questions or how to answer them you may wish to seek legal advice.
Pag e 1: Insert the full name by which you are currently known, and then conrm what you are applying
for by ticking the appropriate box.
Part 1: About you (the Petitioner) and the Respondent
You are known as the Petitioner. Your spouse or civil partner is known as the Respondent. You should
enter your current details and the Respondent’s current details as fully as you know them, making sure
you enter the names by which you are both currently known.
If you do not wish to disclose your or your child(ren)’s address, for example because you may feel
threatened by the Respondent knowing where you live, or because there is a history of domestic
violence, you can leave the details blank and complete Condential contact details, form C8.

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