Apply to extend a representation order

Published date21 March 2018

The Crown Court at

Case Number

Application for extension of a representation order to more than

one advocate, or to a QC alone

Regulation 18 of the Criminal Legal Aid (Determinations by a Court and Choice of Representative) Regulations 2013, as amended

Please refer to the Guidance for Practitioners and court staff on applications for extension of Representation Orders to more than one advocate, or to a QC alone, on page 5 of this form.

The trial advocate should complete this form. The form should be signed by the trial advocate and countersigned by the Instructed Advocate, if different.

1 Defendant

Surname or Family Name

Forenames or other names

2 I apply for an extension of representation by

QC Alone

Two Juniors

QC and Noting Junior

QC and Junior

3 advocates

The reasons for any application must be specifically addressed in the trial advocate’s statement.

Before (if Judge already allocated)

3 Prosecuting advocates

Name of QC

Name of (First) Junior

Name of (Second) Junior

(if applicable)

4 Number of witnesses

Served as part of prosecution case

Likely to be required by this defendant

5 Number of pages of evidence

Total number of pages of

prosecution evidence

(If there is electronic evidence

please provide further details)

Witness statements

Interviews of represented defendant

Interviews of co-accused - no reply

Interviews of co-accused - replied to questions


Telephone, banking or other raw data

Analysis of data

(for example, by schedules,

diagrams etc)

Other exhibits

(specify the nature of the exhibits)

6 Unused material

Extent of unused material, including electronic material. Describe the unused material and its relevance to the defendant’s case. (This may be included in the trial advocate’s statement.)

7 Trial Time

Estimated trial time

8 Enclosures

I enclose the following:

If any of these documents are not enclosed,

the application will be returned.

The prosecution case summary

The trial advocate’s statement, giving a short description of the evidence and detail of the matters listed in questions 4 to 7.

The trial advocate's statement should fully describe

The substantial novel or complex issues of law or fact which could not be adequately presented except by the level of representation applied for.

The represented defendant’s alleged role; and what work will need to be done to prepare for the trial.

What work has already been done and by whom. If the application relates to a Very High Cost Case then the Case Plan and latest Stage Plan must be included for litigators and advocates.


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