Apply to make decisions on someone's behalf as a deputy
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Court of Protection
Application form
For office use only
Case no.
Application no.
Date received
Date issued
Full name of person to whom the application relates
(this is the name of the person who lacks, or is alleged to lack, capacity)
Your application will not be complete unless all the relevant
forms and annexes, including where appropriate COP3
(and COP4), are submitted together with a fee or remission
request (Please see COP1 guidance). Please submit the COP1
application form in duplicate.
This form is not to be used in respect of applications concerning
deprivation of liberty (DoL) under section 21A of the Mental Capacity
Act 2005 (the Act) relating to a standard or urgent authorisation under
Schedule A1 or the streamlined application under section 4A(3) and
16(2)(a) of the Act. For those applications please visit our website at
Section 1 – Type of application
1.1 What type of application do you intend to make?
Deputy, proposed deputy or other: Tick Enclose Annex/
Appointment of deputy for property and affairs COP1A
Property and affairs (where deputy not required) COP1A
Appointment of deputy for personal welfare COP1B
Personal welfare order (where deputy not required) COP1B
Application relating to a statutory will, codicil, gift(s), deed of
variation or other settlement of property COP1C
Application relating to the appointment or discharge of a trustee COP1D and COP12
Application by existing deputy COP1E
Other applications COP24
Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) or
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA):
Tick Enclose Annex/
Question of validity or operation of an EPA/LPA COP1F
Application relating to a statutory will, codicil, gift(s), deed of
variation or other settlement of property COP1C
Application relating to the appointment or discharge of a trustee COP1D and COP12
Application by existing attorney COP1E
Other applications COP24
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