Approval of charges 2015-16 – information and requirements for large and small companies

Date17 November 2014
Approval of charges 2015-16 –
information and requirements
for large and small companies
Water today, water tomorrow
November 2014
Approval of charges 2015-16 – information and requirements for large and small companies
About this document
This document sets out further information about our approach and the information
we require from companies for us to approve their 2015-16 charges. It supports and
should be read alongside information notice ‘IN 14/17: Approval of charges 2015-16
– our approach, process and information requirements for large and small
1. Risk-based approach 2
2. Standard wholesale charging schedule 5
3. Special agreements 6
4. The approach for small companies 7
5. Details of information requirements 9
6. Details of categorisation 15

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