Attorney General for Canada v Attorney General for the Province of Quebec and Attorneys-General for Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Judgment Date | 1946 |
Date | 1946 |
Year | 1946 |
Court | Privy Council |
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13 cases
Quebec (Attorney General) v. Lacombe et al., (2010) 407 N.R. 1 (SCC)
...British Columbia (Attorney General), [1930] A.C. 111 (P.C.), refd to. [para. 34]. Canada (Attorney General) v. Quebec (Attorney General), [1947] A.C. 33 (P.C.), refd to. [para. R. v. Fowler, [1980] 2 S.C.R. 213; 32 N.R. 230, refd to. [para. 34]. Multiple Access Ltd. v. McCutcheon et al., [1......
Calgary (City) v Bell Canada Inc., 2020 ABCA 211
...1985, c. B-3. [103] Constitution Act, 1867, 30 & 31 Vict., c. 3, s. 91(21) (U.K.). [104] Id. s. 92(13). [105] Canada v. Québec, [1947] A.C. 33, 46 (P.C. 1946) (Que.) (“In their [Lordships’] view, a Provincial legislature enters on the field of banking when it interferes with the right o......
Quebec (Attorney General) v. Canadian Owners and Pilots Association, (2010) 407 N.R. 102 (SCC)
...3 S.C.R. 463; 157 N.R. 97; 125 N.S.R.(2d) 81; 349 A.P.R. 81, refd to. [para. 18]. Canada (Attorney General) v. Quebec (Attorney General), [1947] A.C. 33 (P.C.), refd to. [para. Consolidated Distilleries Ltd. v. Consolidated Exporters Corp., [1930] S.C.R. 531, refd to. [para. 23]. Agricultur......
New South Wales v Commonwealth
...“pith and substance” as representing “primary object and effect” and incidental application to other matter: Attorney-General for Canada v Attorney-General for Quebec1036. The case of Prafulla Kumar Mukherjee v Bank of Commerce1037 shows that there is no difference between asking: “What is ......
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4 books & journal articles
Litigating Cross-Border Aboriginal Title Claims in Canada: The Possibility (and Necessity) of a Federal Legislative Response to Newfoundland and Labrador (Attorney General) v. Uashaunnuat (Innu of Uashat and of Mani-Utenam).
...of amending legislation). For a formulation of a strict necessity test, see Attorney-General of Canada v Attorney-General of Quebec, [1947] AC 33 at 86, 1 DLR 81; Fuller, supra note 54 at 713; Fowler v The Queen, [1980] 2 SCR 213 at 226, 113 DLR (3d) 513; Regional Municipality of Peel v Mac......
Table of cases
...503, [1947] 4 D.L.R. 1, [1947] 2 W.W.R. 401 (P.C.) ............... 9, 15 Attorney-General of Canada v. Attorney-General of Quebec (1946), [1947] A.C. 33, [1947] 1 D.L.R. 81, [1946] 3 W.W.R. 659 (P.C.) ............................................................................ 15 Attorney-G......
La reglementation des banques virtuelles au Canada.
...Law Book, 1986, au no 101. (76) Loi constitutionnelle de 1867, supra note 47, art. 91(15). Voir generalement Canada (A.G) c. Quebec (PG), [1947] A.C. 33, [1947] 1 D.L.R. 81 (P.C.) [Canada (A.G.) c. Quebec (P.G)]; Alberta (A.G) c. Canada (A.G), [1939] A.C. 117 (RC.) [Alberta (A.G) c. Canada ......
Banks and Banking Defined
...(P.C.) [ Alberta Bank Taxation Reference ]. 36 (1913), 9 D.L.R. 337 (P.C.). 37 Attorney-General of Canada v. Attorney-General of Quebec , [1947] A.C. 33 (P.C.). 38 Above note 18. 39 (1990), 65 D.L.R. (4th) 361 (S.C.C.). See also M.H. Ogilvie, “Section 91(15) Revisited Again — and Again” (19......