Book Review: Europe: EU Energy Security in the Gas Sector: Evolving Dynamics, Policy Dilemmas and Prospects

Date01 May 2013
AuthorOlga Khrushcheva
Published date01 May 2013
Subject MatterBook Review
Sovereign Justice: Global Justice in a World of Nations by Diogo P. Aurelio, Gabriele De Angelis and Regina Queiroz (eds). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. 250pp., 99.95, ISBN 978311024573 298
EU Energy Security in the Gas Sector: Evolving
the strategies of the other major energy importers. The
Dynamics, Policy Dilemmas and Prospects by
author argues that the growing energy demand from
Filippos Proedrou. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. 171pp.,
the developing world poses an additional challenge to
£55.00, ISBN 978 1 4094 3804 5
the EU’s energy security, because ‘the EU in general
does not promote energy projects with the same deter-
This book provides a welcome addition to the litera-
minism and effectiveness that the US and China does’
ture on energy security. Filippos Proedrou focuses on
(p. 43).The book’s main conclusion is that the EU may
importing nations’ (EU) energy security in the natural
face a significant supply deficit unless it reconsiders its
gas sector. Nevertheless, this book also explains how
energy policy. Overall, the book is well written and
energy exporters’ perspectives influence the EU’s
offers a good summary of the EU’s energy policy
energy policy. The EU–Russia energy relations receive
special attention throughout the book. Additionally,
Proedrou briefly describes the EU’s energy partner-
Olga Khrushcheva
ships with Norway, Algeria, the Middle East and the
(Nottingham Trent University)
Caspian states. The book is divided into seven chap-
ters: chapter 2 discusses the main trends in global
Experimentalist Governance in the European
energy markets, chapters 3 and 4 focus on the EU’s
Union by Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan Zeithin
energy policy dilemmas while chapters 5 and 6 look
(eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 368pp.,
at relations with external energy suppliers. The con-
£55.00, ISBN 978 0 19 957249 6
cluding chapter summarises the main findings and
suggests different scenarios for future EU energy
The central thesis of this book is that...

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