Books Received
Date | 01 December 2001 |
Published date | 01 December 2001 |
DOI | |
Books Received
T.R.S. ALLAN, Constitutional Justice, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
2001, £40.00.
Peter ALLDRIDGE and Chrisje BRANTS (eds.), Personal Autonomy, the
Private Sphere and Criminal Law: A Comparative Study, Oxford, Hart
Publishing, 2001, £30.00.
Michael J. ALLEN, Textbook on Criminal Law (6th edn.), London,
Blackstone Press, 2001, £17.95.
Philip ALLOTT, Eunomia: New Order for a New World, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2001, £16.99.
Susan BANDES (ed.), The Passions of Law, New York, New York
University Press, 2001, $22.50.
Christina BIEBESHEIMER and Carlos MEJIA (eds.), Justice Beyond Our
Borders, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, £17.00.
Thomas BIOLSI, Deadliest Enemies, Berkeley, University of California
Press, 2001, £22.95.
Cary BOUCOCK, In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity in Max
Weber, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2000, £40.00 (hbk), £16.00
Anthony BRADNEY and Fiona COWNIE, Living Without Law, Aldershot,
Ashgate, 2000, £40.00.
Jo BRIDGEMAN and Daniel MONK (eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Child
Law, London, Cavendish Publishing, 2000, £19.95.
Robert I. BURNS, S.J., Las Siete Partidas, Volume One: The Medieval
Church: The World of Clerics and Laymen, Philadelphia, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2001, npg.
Robert I. BURNS, S.J., Las Siete Partidas, Volume Two: Medieval
Government: The World of Kings and Warriors, Philadelphia, University
of Pennsylvania Press, 2001, npg.
Robert I. BURNS, S.J., Las Siete Partidas, Volume Three: Medieval Law:
Lawyers and their Work, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press,
2001, npg.
Robert I. BURNS, S.J., Las Siete Partidas, Volume Four: Family,
Commerce, and the Sea: The Worlds of Women and Merchants,
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001, npg.
Robert I. BURNS, S.J., Las Siete Partidas, Volume Five: Underworlds: The
Dead, The Criminal, and the Marginalized, Philadelphia, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2001, npg.
ßBlackwell Publishers Ltd 2001, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
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