Change the register (AP1)
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Published date | 24 October 2012 |
Checklist – Applications for registered land
Ensure you have completed or considered each of these points and that you have enclosed, or
will attach, all relevant information before you send us your application. I have:
1. Obtained an up-to-date official copy of the
10. Supplied evidence of receivership or
liquidation if required
2. Considered any stamp duty land tax which
is payable and, where appropriate, enclosed
evidence of compliance
11. Provided all addresses for service required
and that addresses on forms and deeds agree
3. Assessed the fee correctly
12. Checked that all deeds have been dated,
executed and witnessed correctly – see
Practice Guide 8
4. Included details to authorise payment by
direct debit or alternatively enclosed a cheque
made payable to “Land Registry
13. Completed all relevant panels of the
correct application form
5. Accounted for any encumbrance, for
example restrictions and charges, and
enclosed evidence of compliance or release
where appropriate – see Practice Guides 19
and Practice Guide 19A
14. Listed each party in panel 13 of form AP1,
including any attorney, and enclosed any
identity forms (ID1 or ID2) that may be
required – see Practice Guide 67
6. Crosschecked all names to make sure
these match or otherwise have accounted for
any discrepancy, enclosing supporting
evidence, for example marriage/death
certificate, probate, power of attorney, etc.
15. Signed and dated the application form
7. Entered the full and correct names of
parties on all documents lodged including the
application form
16. Read the electronic-Document
Registration Service (e-DRS) Guide before
submitting electronic applications
8. Confirmed that, where an application is to
register joint proprietors, they are to hold the
title as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in
17. Made sure that all pages of any
documents sent by e-DRS are complete,
images are clear and scanned in colour where
9. Supplied the Company’s registered number
and evidence of its constitution where
appropriate. Note: to register a Community
Interest Company, you will also need to
send the Certificate of Incorporation
issued by Companies House.
18. Checked that any plans referred to in
deeds are attached and any references on the
plans referred to in the deeds, for example
colouring, are shown on the plans
For more detailed help and guidance, please see Practice Guide 50
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— We have integrity
— We drive innovation
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