Chapter CFM38150

Published date16 April 2016
Record NumberCFM38150
CourtHM Revenue & Customs
IssuerHM Revenue & Customs
Example of unallowable purpose

A company borrows £50 million from a finance company at arm’s length. The company becomes insolvent and disposes of all its assets. This leaves it with an outstanding debt of £40 million. The company is not liquidated and interest continues to accrue on the debt.

The finance company either does not accrue the interest receivable or it accrues the interest and then writes it off as a bad debt. The company accrues the interest and makes a deficit on which group relief claims are made.

The company has no activity which is within the charge to corporation tax (CTA09/S442(2)). The purpose of the loan relationship is therefore specifically excluded from being a business or commercial purpose and it is an...

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