Chapter EIM03126

Published date22 May 2014
Record NumberEIM03126
CourtHM Revenue & Customs
IssuerHM Revenue & Customs
Part 4 Chapter 7 ITEPA 2003

If an employer makes a payment to an employee to compensate for the fact that the employee’s house has fallen in value, or to make up a shortfall where the house is sold for less than the bridging loan outstanding on it, there is no exemption.The payment is taxable in full. However see [## Part 4 Chapter 7 ITEPA 2003

If an employer makes a payment to an employee to compensate for the fact that the employee’s house has fallen in value, or to make up a shortfall where the house is sold for less than the bridging loan outstanding on it, there is no exemption.The payment is taxable in full. However see]( for...

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