Chapter SGSELSG4020

Published date12 April 2016
Record NumberSGSELSG4020
CourtHM Revenue & Customs
IssuerHM Revenue & Customs

Under Article 4.1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 for the control of exports of dual-use items and articles 4.6 and 8 of the Export Control Order 2008 unlisted goods which are capable of being used in connection with any nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, antidotes to biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering nuclear, biological or chemical weapons require an export licence;

  • if the exporter has been informed by a competent authority that the goods are or may be intended to be used for such purposes; or
  • if the exporter knows or is aware that they are intended or likely to be used for purposes related to nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or
  • where the exporter has grounds to suspect that the goods might be used for such purposes unless all reasonable enquiries have been made by the exporter as to their proposed use and the exporter is satisfied that they will not be used for such purposes.

The WMD end-use control is an...

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