Chapter SW03150

Published date10 April 2016
Record NumberSW03150
CourtHM Revenue & Customs
IssuerHM Revenue & Customs

Official and personal information is protected by various pieces of legislation, including the Data Protection Act 2018. Section 182 of the Finance Act 1989 particularly protects the tax affairs of any identifiable person or business.

Protectively marked information held on IT systems must have the same level of protection in the same way as it would if held on paper. Further information about the Government Security Classification (GSC) system, intoduced in 2014, can be found here .

Shared Workspace Service

Shared Workspace is accredited to handle information up to and including Official Sensitive.

Under no circumstances should any information with a higher classification be added to Shared Workspace.

A full definition of Secuirty Classifications is here.

Responsibility for the security of securely classified assets

HMRC Staff have a general duty to protect information. Everyone who has access to classified assets is personally...

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