Commonwealth Development Finance Company Act 1963

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1963 c. vi
Commonwealth Development Finance
vi 1
1963 CHAPTER vi
An Act to exempt Commonwealth Development Finance
Company Limited from the provisions of the Money-
lenders Acts, 1900 to 1927, as from the incorporation
of the Company until the sixth day of July, nineteen
hundred and sixty-two; and for other purposes.
[15th May 1963]
HEREAS Commonwealth Development Finance Company
Limited (hereinafter referred to as " the Company^')
was incorporated in England on the twenty-fourth day
of March, nineteen hundred and fifty-three, under the Companies n
& 12
Act, 1948, and is a company limited by shares: c. 38.
And whereas the objects for which the Company
as set out in the memorandum of association of the Company
dated the twelfth day of March, nineteen hundred and fifty-three,
include the following:
To provide, afford or procure finance and financial
facilities and assistance of all kinds for any company,
corporation, syndicate, partnership, association, or
person or for governments or authorities (supreme,
municipal, local or otherwise) for the development of
the natural and other resources of any part of the
Commonwealth, for the development whether by the
establishment, re-establishment, rehabilitation, equip-
ment, re-equipment, maintenance or extension of

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