Complaint against a certificated person

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterEnforcement forms
Complaint against a
certicated person
This form should only be used when the complaint relates to
the tness of an individual to hold a certicate. This form should
be completed by the person making the complaint. When you
have done so, send it to the County Court hearing centre where the
Enforcement Agent obtained their certicate. If you do not know
which court this is, please telephone County Court Business Centre
Northampton, on 0300 123 1057 where sta will be able to tell
you or view the register at http://certicatedbaili
EAC2 - Complaint against a certicated person (04.14) © Crown copyright 2014
Details of the complaint (please include details of when and where the
action(s) complained of took place.)
Name of certicated person
Name of rm/company
Address (including postcode)
Who is the debt owed to? (name of the local
authority, magistrates’ court, CSA oce, etc.)
Any reference number used by
the certicated person
Your name
Your address (including postcode)
Your signature
(Please continue on an additional page if necessary)
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