
Published date21 March 2018
CourtHM Courts & Tribunals Service
Crown Court Preliminary Hearing form

In the Crown Court at



R v

Case Number


Crown Court Preliminary Hearing form

(Section 28 Preliminary Hearing)


Date of hearing

Name of Prosecution advocate

Name of Defence advocate

Name of Defence solicitor

Nature of principal charge

Date of offence



a) What is the indication of plea?

Guilty Not guilty No plea taken

b) Can an Indictment be preferred?

Yes No

c) Can the Court proceed to arraignment?

Yes No


Expert evidence

Will parties rely on expert evidence?

Yes No

If ‘Yes’, the Court orders:


Directions for case management

a) Was there an objection to S.28? If so, was there an adjournment?

No objection Objection raised

Objection raised and adjourned to:

b) Section 28 Ruling:

c) Date for service of Prosecution papers (35 days from date of sending from magistrates’ court):

d) Date of service of ABE DVD:

e) Issues pertinent to the case identified by Defence:

f) Date of service for Defence Statement and witness requirements (28 days from c):

g) Is there any third party material to be relied on?

Yes No

If so, who holds it?

Any order relating to Third Party Material:

h) Does the witness require an intermediary or supporter?

Yes No

The intermediary shall file their report by:

i) Date and time of S.28 hearing:

Length of S.28 hearing (in hours):

j) Date for witness to refresh their memory:

The Officer in the Case or another suitable police office shall attend during the memory refreshing and make a note of anything said by the witness.

k) Date of Ground Rules Hearing (usually at least 7 days before S.28 hearing):

Does the Defendant need to attend?

Any intermediary must attend the Ground Rules Hearing.

Defendant must attend Defendant need not attend

The defence shall file the Ground Rules Hearing form by:

l) The Judge (and advocates) shall meet the witness on:

The advocates are not to meet the witness without the Judge.

m) Date of PCMH:

n) Date of Trial:

o) S.4 Contempt of Court Act 1981 order has been made for the:

Ground Rules Hearing S.28 hearing

p) Further orders (please provide details):


Trial Judge

The case is allocated to:

The future management of the case will be under the supervision of the trial judge.



a) Has the Defendant been advised about credit for plea?

Yes No

b) Has the Defendant been warned that if he/she is on bail and fails to attend, the S.28 cross examination, and/or the trial the proceedings may continue in his/her absence...

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