Decision Notice IC-293514-P7M2 (Warwickshire County Council)

Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld EIR 12(5)(b): Complaint not upheld
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Record NumberIC-293514-P7M2
Date12 September 2024
RespondentWarwickshire County Council
Reference: IC-293514-P7M2
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)
Decision notice
12 September 2024
Public Authority:
Warwickshire County Council
PO Box 9
Shire Hall
CV34 4RR
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested information about a quarry and its
operation. Warwickshire County Council (“the council”) disclosed some
information but withheld the remainder under the exceptions provided
by regulation 12(5)(b) (course of justice, etc.) and regulation 12(5)(e)
(confidentiality of commercial or industrial information) of the EIR.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council is entitled to withhold
the information under regulation 12(5)(b) and regulation 12(5)(e).
3. The Commissioner does not require further steps.
Request and response
4. On 9 June 2023, the complainant wrote to the council and made the
following requests:
Our request relates to Hartshill Quarry, Nuneaton Road, Nuneaton and
comprises the following;
1. Copies of any written requests from Warwickshire County
Council (“WCC”) to the Quarry operator of Hartshill Quarry for
information on mineral production and reserve figures for
Hartshill Quarry for the period 1 January 2018 to 9 June 2023.

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