Decision Notice IC-294694-H4F4 (Secretary of State for Defence (Ministry of Defence))
Case Outcome | Complaint not upheld FOI 27: Complaint not upheld |
Court | Information Commissioner (UK) |
Record Number | IC-294694-H4F4 |
Date | 11 September 2024 |
Respondent | Secretary of State for Defence (Ministry of Defence) |
Reference: IC-294694-H4F4
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Decision notice
11 September 2024
Public Authority:
Ministry of Defence
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant submitted a request to the Ministry of Defence (MOD)
seeking information about a number of defence projects. The MOD
provided some of the information requested but sought to withhold the
remainder on the basis of sections 24 (national security), 26 (defence)
and 27 (international relations).
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the withheld information is exempt
from disclosure on the basis of sections 24(1) and 27(1)(a), and that
the public interest favours maintaining each exemption.
3. The Commissioner does not require further steps.
Request and response
4. The complainant submitted a multi-part request to the MOD on 6 March
2023 seeking information from ‘the MOD’s March 2022 Major Projects
Portfolio Data’. A copy of the request is contained in an annex at the end
of this notice.
5. The MOD responded on 31 March 2023 and provided some of the
information falling within the scope of the request. However, in respect
of the Astute and Dreadnought projects the MOD withheld “the
departmental narrative on schedule” and the “project end date” on the
basis of sections 24(1) (national security) and 26(1) (defence) of FOIA.
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