Decision Notice IC-322091-K5G6 (Civil Aviation Authority)

Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld FOI 14: Complaint upheld
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Record NumberIC-322091-K5G6
Date11 September 2024
RespondentCivil Aviation Authority
Reference: IC-322091-K5G6
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
Decision notice
11 September 2024
Public Authority:
Civil Aviation Authority
Aviation House
Gatwick Road
West Sussex
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested information about contributions to the
Air Travel Trust Fund and any planned reimbursements. The Civil
Aviation Authority (the CAA’) stated that it held the requested
information but not for the purposes of FOIA. It also relied on section
14(1) of FOIA (vexatious request) to refuse the request.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the CAA holds the requested
information but not for the purposes of FOIA. The Commissioner also
finds that the CAA was not correct to consider the request to be
3. The Commissioner does not require further steps.
Request and response
4. On 21 June 2024, the complainant wrote to the CAA and requested
information in the following terms:
The Civil Aviation (Contributions to the Air Travel Trust) Regulations
2007, regulation 10 states:
"Where the CAA is satisfied that an applicant for, holder of, or former
holder of a licence has paid more than the sums properly payable
under these Regulations or where the CAA considers in all the
circumstances that it would be equitable so to do, the CAA may

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