Direct Rail Services Limited 7 July 2017

Date07 July 2017
SectionDecisions library
Head Office: One Kemble Street, London WC2B 4AN T: 020 7282 2000 F: 020 7282 2040
Dear Jules and Chris,
Direct Rail Services Limited: Proposed Sixth Supplemental Agreement
1. On 7 July 2017 the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) approved the 6th Supplemental
Agreement (SA) to the track access contract (TAC) between Network Rail
Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and Direct Rail Services Limited (DRS) under
section 22 of the Railways Act 1993 (the Act). The SA was formally submitted to us
on 6 July 2017. This letter sets out the reasons for our decision.
2. The purpose of the SA is to make changes to Appendix 3 of Schedule 7 of DRS
current track access contract to provide for on train metering for Class 88
3. The application also contained a request that we approve amendments to
Appendices 2 & 4 of the Traction Electricity Rules (TER) to include the parameters
(tolerance factors and power correction) necessary to enable OTM provision in
respect of Class 88 locomotives.
4. Network Rail ran an industry consultation shorter than normal on the changes to this
TAC, from 3 May 2017 to 10 May 2017. Network Rail and DRS agreed that this was
appropriate due to the non-contentious nature of the changes and comparing similar
applications from other operators with consultations of less than 28 days. There were
no objections.
ORR Review
5. We received an informal submission from Network Rail on 15 June 2017. We
recommended drafting changes to the SA to remove reference to the requested
changes to the TER as these are not a part of the SA and should only be included in
Form F.
ORR Decision
6. This application is under section 22 of the Act and therefore is agreed between the
parties, who are prepared to enter into the agreement as submitted.
Margret Child
Executive, Access and Licensing
Tel: 020 7282 2056
7 July 2017
Jules Graham
Customer Relationship Executive
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
One Eversholt Street
Chris Connelly
Director of Commercial & Business Development GB
Direct Rail Services Limited
Regents Court
Baron Way

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