Dracots Case
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 01 January 1792 |
Date | 01 January 1792 |
Court | Court of the King's Bench |
English Reports Citation: 80 E.R. 612
[37] hillar. 8 jacobi. dracots case. It is found by office at Darby, in the county of Darby, 7 Septembris, 28 Eliz. by mandamus, after the death of Richard Dracott, nuper de Lestowe, that he, die quo obiit, was seised in his demesne as of fee, de & in uno capital! messuagio cum pertin-entiis in Lestowe prsedicta, ac de & in tribus bovatis & dimidio, terrm, prati & pastures, cum pertinentiis in Lestowe prtedicta, ac etiam cle & in uno alio messuagio, & uno-bovato terrte prati, & pasture in Cadnor in comitatu prtedicto, and fincles his dying, seised also of the other lands in sundry other villages and places in the same county by particular names; and then it is found, that the same capitall messuage, and three bovates of land; & ctetera prsemissa in Lestowe prtedicta tenentur, &c. de Johanne Zouch Milite, ut de castro suo de Cadnor, in comitatu prasdicto, per sevitium militare : videlicet, per homagium, &c. Et ad faciendum sectam ad Curiam pradicti Johannis Zouch, manerii, sive domini sui de Cadnor prtedicta, cle tribus, &c. Et quod prtedictum messuagiura, & unum bovatum teme prati & pasturse cum pertinentiis in Cadnor pradicta tenentur de dicto Johanne Zouch, ut de castro suo de Cadnor pnedicta per servitium militare; vidilicet, &c. Aud tenures also of all other the parcels are found to be of common persons, and other points of the writ are found, 5 Jacobi, a commission in the nature of a melius inquirendum issued, reciting thus: that where it is found, by the former inquisition ; quod prajdietus Richardus obiit sesitus de & in uno- LEY. 38. EARL AND COUNTESSE OF DOBSETS CASE 613 messuagio, & uno bovato terra, prati, & pasturse, cum pertinentiis in Cadnor, in cotnitatu prsBdicto, &c. Et quia jam accepimus, &c. Nos igitur volentes, &c. plenius certiorari, utnim prsemissa pradictacum pertitietitiia in Cadnot1 pradicta tempore mortis prsedicti Richardi, teriebantur de prasclicta nuper Regitia Eliz. Eb adhuc tenentur de nobis per servitium militare necne, & qualiter & quando, & ideo vobis mandamus, &c. super prtemissas facias iuqmsitionem, by vertue whereof it was after found by an office, 18 Sept. 5 Jacobi, in this manner: viz. inquisitio capta, &c. Virtus commissionis, &c. in natura bcevis de melius inquirendum eisdem, &c. directum, &c. & huic, &c. ad inquirendum post mortem Richardi Draycot, per jurat. &c. Qui dicuntquod quoedam pecia terrte in Cadnor...
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