Editors’ note on the Best Review Prize 2018

AuthorTed Svensson,Annika Björkdahl,Martin Hall
Published date01 June 2019
Date01 June 2019
Subject MatterReview Essay
853854CAC0010.1177/0010836719853854Cooperation and ConflictKristinsson
Review Essay
Cooperation and Conflict
2019, Vol. 54(2) NP1 –NP2
Editors’ note on the Best
© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
Review Prize 2018
DOI: 10.1177/0010836719853854
Annika Björkdahl, Martin Hall
and Ted Svensson
With the ambition of acknowledging fully the often overlooked work of reviewers, the
editors of Cooperation and Conflict have decided to award a Best Review Prize of €1000
for the second time. It was awarded for the first time in 2017 and will continue to be
awarded annually for the best review of an article, or set of articles, published in the
previous year’s volume of the journal.
In connection with the special issue of Everyday IR, we are proud to announce that
Professor Brent Steele receives 2018’s Best Review Prize for having gone far beyond the
expectations that editors might have when it comes to colleagues taking on the responsi-
bility of reviewing original submissions and following up on manuscripts later in the
process. As a reviewer, Brent has proved to be knowledgeable of the themes and topics
at hand and able to provide encouraging and constructive yet critical comments to guide
the authors and to help them situate their contributions within the broad field of IR schol-
arship. As per the specified criteria for the Best Review Prize, his efforts as a reviewer
have enhanced and refined the theoretical originality and arguments, improved the meth-
odological rigour and helped extract the empirical richness of the reviewed manuscripts.
In addition to helping submitting authors to improve their work significantly, his com-
ments encouraged...

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