Estimate of costs for a financial remedy hearing

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterDivorce and civil partnership dissolution forms
Statement of the costs
already incurred and an
estimate of costs to be
incurred (nancial remedy)
Form H Estimate of costs (nancial remedy) (08.20) © Crown Copyright 2020
(name of party)
Estimate of costs to be considered at a hearing or appointment on:
Please note: it is a requirement of the rules to provide full costs information to the cour t
(Do not include here costs incur red in respect of other aspects of t he case, for example, the divorce or civil par tnership
proceedings, children mat ters, injunctions, etc.)
Sections A and B should be complet ed for all hearings
Total costs incurred to date
(total of sections A and B)
Of which, legal aid
Of which, private costs
State what has been paid in
respect of the above costs
the Applicant
Other party
To be completed by the relevant party
Name of court Case No.
Name of Applicant
Name of Respondent
D D /M M /Y Y Y Y
Please note: the legal representative should discuss the contents of this form wi th the client

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