Ex parte Stapleton. Re Nathan
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Year | 1878 |
Date | 1878 |
Court | Court of Appeal |
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8 cases
The ‘STX Mumbai’
...Pertama’[1989] 3 MLJ 58 (refd) Sharjade Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth of Australia [2009] NSWCA 373 (refd) Stapleton, Ex parte; Re Nathan (1879) 10 Ch D 586 (refd) Sunbird Plaza Pty Ltd v Maloney (1988) 166 CLR 245 (refd) Tan Hock Keng v L & M Group Investments Ltd [2002] 1 SLR (R) 672; [2002]......
Wilson v Spitze
...to regard the buyer's intimation of his inability to pay as a repudiation Kotze JA referred at 456 to Re Nathan; Ex parte Stapleton (1879) 10 ChD 586, where Jessel MR said that, if a person, who has entered into a contract for the sale of goods on credit, gives to the vendor before the latt......
The "STX Mumbai"
...733. The trustee’s ability to continue with the contract was similarly recognised by Jessel M.R. in Ex parte Stapleton, In re Nathan (1879) 10 Ch.D. 586 at 590. Similar remarks were made in the next century by the Federal Court of Australia in Winterton Constructions Pty Ltd v Hambros Austr......
- Caddy v Mcinnes
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1 books & journal articles
Executory Contracts
...for its completion. Nor was it necessary for the vendors irst to tender the goods to the trustee: Ex parte Stapleton; In re Nathan (1879), 10 Ch. D 586, 40 LT 14, 27 WR 327. And the trustee could not insist upon delivery of the balance of the goods except upon full payment, not only of the ......