Extension to connection offer for Pigeon Top Windfarm
Year | 2020 |
Published date | 13 May 2020 |
Energy Sector | Electricity Networks |
From the office of the Chief Executive
Utility Regulator
Queens House, 14 Queen Street, BELFAST, BT1 6ED
T: +44 (0) 28 9031 1575 F: +44 (0) 28 9031 1740 W: www.uregni.gov.uk
Daniel Robinson
Network Connections Design Team
Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Ltd
Unit 3,
21 Old Channel Road
13 May 2020 Our Ref: NET/E/JP/209
Dear Daniel
Application under Condition 30(7)(a) of NIE Networks’ Distribution Licence (“the
Licence”) that the Utility Regulator (“the UR”) consent to an extension of the period
under Condition 30(6)(b) of the Licence, regarding an offer of terms of connection in
respect of the Connection Application for Pigeon Top Wind Farm: NIE Networks’
reference: 10/14886 (“the Application”)
Thank you for your letter dated 6 April 2020 (Letter) setting out the Application.
The Application
In the Letter you set out some of the relevant background to the Application.
The LCTA connection node for the connection of Pigeon Top Wind Farm would be Drumquin
Cluster (formerly known as Curraghmulkin). On 27th November 2019, NIE Networks applied to
the UR for its consent to an extension of time (under C 30(7(a) of the Licence) in respect of the
Connection Application for Pigeon Top Wind Farm. The UR granted that application on 16th
December 20191. The requisite extension of time expires on 16th May 2020.
Pigeon Top Wind Farm is currently second in the queue for the current available capacity at
the Drumquinn Cluster. The other applicant for connection (before Pigeon Top Wind Farm) in
the queue is presently involved in a dispute referred to the UR for determination. The UR now
has until 31st August 2020 (“the proposed determination date”) to make a determination on
1 https://www.uregni.gov.uk/sites/uregni/files/media-files/2019_12_16-%20Letter%20to%20NIEN%20-%20Pigeon%20Top-
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