Grey literature archiving pattern in open access (OA) repositories with special emphasis on Indian OA repositories

Published date04 February 2019
Date04 February 2019
AuthorB.S. Shivaram,B.S. Biradar
Grey literature archiving pattern
in open access (OA) repositories
with special emphasis on Indian
OA repositories
B.S. Shivaram
CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India, and
B.S. Biradar
Department of Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University,
Shimoga, India
Purpose This paper aimsto examine the grey literature archiving pattern at open-accessrepositories with
special referenceto Indian open-access repositories.
Design/methodology/approach The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) was used to collect
data from different document types archived by open-access repositories across the world. Data were
collected by advanced searchand browse features available at the BASE on document types, the number of
repositories by country wise and Indian academicand research repositories. Data were tabulated using MS
Excel for furtheranalysis.
Findings Findings indicated that open-access repositories across the world are primarily archiving
reviewed literature.Grey literature is archived more at European and North Americanrepositories compared
to rest of the world. Reports,theses, dissertations and data sets are the majorgrey document types archived.
In India, a signicant contributorto the BASE index with 146 open-access sources, reviewed literature is the
largest archiveddocument types, and grey literature is above worldaverage due to the presence of theses and
dissertationsat repositories of academic institutions.
Originality/value Grey literature is considered as valuable sources of information for research and
development. The study enables to get insights about the amount of grey content archived at open-access
repositories. These ndings can further be used to investigate the reasons/technology limitations for the
lesser volume of grey content in repositories. Furthermore, this study helps to better understand the grey
literature archiving patternand need for corrective measures based on the success stories of repositoriesof
Europe and NorthAmerica.
Keywords India, Digital archives, Grey literature, Institutional repositories,
Open access repositories, Archiving patterns, Technical literature
Paper type Research paper
Open-access (OA) publishing has become a global movement, and Internet and electronic
publishing are vital components of this revolution (Björk, 2004). Major milestones in OA
publishing trace back to the BudapestOpen-access Initiative (February 2002), advocated by
the Bethesda (June 2003) and Berlin (October2003) declarations (Suber, 2009). India is not far
behind in this global initiative, as a signicant amountof Indian content in all domains has
been made available through the gold and green channels of OA publishing. The OA
movement in India began in 2002 with the efforts of Dr T.B. Rajashekar at the Indian
Indian OA
Received15 May 2018
Revised8 August 2018
3 October2018
Accepted2 November 2018
TheElectronic Library
Vol.37 No. 1, 2019
pp. 95-107
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/EL-05-2018-0100
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