GT 17 Draft Determination
Year | 2016 |
Published date | 16 December 2016 |
Energy Sector | Gas networks |
Price Control for
Northern Ireland’s
Gas Transmission
Draft Determination
16 December 2016
About the Utility
The Utility Regulator is the independent non-ministerial government department
responsible for regulating Northern Ireland’s electricity, gas, water and sewerage
industries, to promote the short and long-term interests of consumers.
We are not a policy-making department of government, but we make sure that the
energy and water utility industries in Northern Ireland are regulated and developed
within ministerial policy as set out in our statutory duties.
We are governed by a Board of Directors and are accountable to the Northern Ireland
Assembly through financial and annual reporting obligations.
We are based at Queens House in the centre of Belfast. The Chief Executive leads a
management team of directors representing each of the key functional areas in the
organisation: Corporate Affairs; Electricity; Gas; Retail and Social; and Water. The staff
team includes economists, engineers, accountants, utility specialists, legal advisors and
administration professionals.
Be a best practice
regulator: transparent, consistent, proportional,
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Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Value and sustainability in energy and water.
We will make a difference for consumers by
listening, innovating and leading.
We are publishing the draft determination for GT17 for the four high pressure gas conveyance
licence holders in Northern Ireland, GNI (UK) Ltd, Premier Transmission Ltd (PTL), Belfast
Gas Transmission Ltd (BGTL), and West Transmission Ltd (WTL) for the years from October
2017 to September 2022.
The price control will set out the amount the gas transmission companies will have to run their
businesses and invest in the gas network. The key decisions for the companies are on
operating expenditure, replacement expenditure and the proposed rate of return.
Industry, consumers & statutory bodies.
The price control will set out the allowed transmission revenue for the holders of high pressure
gas conveyance licences. The draft determination in this document sets out the basis on
which we propose to determine the allowed revenue with consideration of the business plans
submitted by the licence holders.
The impact of implementing the business plans submitted by the companies would be an
approximate £5 real terms uplift in the annual bill. This compares to a £0.50 increase
proposed in the draft determination. The UR allowance therefore results in a £4.50 saving
compared to the company submissions.
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