Habib Bank Ltd v Habib Bank A.G. Zurich
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 18 December 1980 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [1980] EWCA Civ J1218-2 |
Docket Number | 1977 H No. 4426 |
Court | Court of Appeal (Civil Division) |
Date | 18 December 1980 |
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154 cases
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... ... in the sense explained by Oliver LJ in Habib Bank Ltd v Habib Bank AG Zurich 4 at pp 24-25 : ... ...
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8 books & journal articles
Estoppel in land law
...enquiring 2 (1866) L.R.I H.L. 129. 3 (1880) 15 Ch.D.96. 4 [1982] Q.B. 133 (decided 1979). 5 Habib Bank Ltd. v. Habib Bank AG Zurich [1981] 1 W.L.R. 1265 (Court of Appeal). See also Robert Goff J. at first instance in Amalgamated Investment and Property Co. Ltd. v. Texas Commerce Internation......
Management and Enforcement
...Motor Co. Ltd. (1953), 70 R.P.C. 284 at 295–96 (C.A.), aff’d [1955] A.C. 370 (H.L.). 313 Habib Bank Ltd. v. Habib Bank AG Zurich , [1981] 2 All E.R. 650 (C.A.) (passing-off; no relief); Chaussures Régence inc. c. Naturmania inc. , 2011 QCCS 744 at [61] ff . (trademark; no relief); Seager v.......
Equity, Trust and Restitution
...doctrine of laches apply equally to legal and equitable rights (see Shaw v Applegate[1977] 1 WLR 970; Habib Bank Ltd v Habib Bank AG Zurich[1982] RPC 1; Hoover plc v George Hulme (Stockport) Ltd[1982] FSR 565; Ind Coope Limited v Paine & Co Ltd[1983] RPC 326; Genelabs Diagnostics Pte Ltd v ......
Equity and Trust
...a new path by the courts. 12.11 It is possible that the Court of Appeal is not alone in doing so. In Habib Bank Ltd v Habib Bank AG Zurich[1982] RPC 1, Oliver LJ asserted that the same doctrine of laches applies equally to both legal and equitable rights. In reaching this conclusion, his Lo......
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