Hanson & Hall Rail Services Solutions Ltd 18 December 2024

DateFecha inválida
Head Office:25 Cabot Square, London E14 4QZT: 020 7282 2000 orr.gov.uk
Margret Haswell
Executive, Access & Licensing
19 December 2024
Rhiannon Saegert
Customer Manager
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Waterloo General Offices
David MacBean
Head of Contracts & Principal
Hanson & Hall
Unit 5b Aireworth Mills,
Keighley, BD21 4DH
Dear Rhiannon and David
Approval of the third supplemental agreement to the track access
contract between Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and
Hanson and Hall Rail Service Solutions Limited dated 30 June 2021.
1. We have approved the above supplemental agreement submitted to us on 16
December 2024 under section 22 of the Railways Act 1993 (the Act). This letter
explains the reasons for our decision.
2. The purpose of this agreement is to extend the expiry date of the contract to The
Principal Change Date in 2026.
Industry consultation
3. No industry consultation was conducted as the beneficiary does not have access rights
and the changes do not impact on other industry parties.
ORR review
4. We received an informal application 3 December 2024 and identified two errors in the
draft agreement that required correction. The parties corrected those errors in a further
informal submission, following which we invited formal submission on 4 December

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