II United Nations Human Rights Council

AuthorBret Thiele,Mayra Gómez
Published date01 June 2010
Date01 June 2010
Subject MatterPart B: Human Rights News
Netherlands Q uarterly of Human R ights, Vol. 28/2 (2010) 229
II UnIteD nAtIons hUmAn
RIghts CoUnCIL
B T and M G*
e twelh regular session of the UN Huma n Rights Council (Council) was held in
Geneva from 1 to 26 March 2 010 and the twelh special session was held on 15 and
16 October 200 9. At the regular session, the Council adopted 2 8 resolutions.1 It also
adopted the outcomes of 16 Universal Periodic Review reports.2 For those readers
interested in greater detail of certai n or all aspects of these sessions, please refer to the
footnotes which provide citations to relevant Cou ncil documents.3
e Counci l is made up of 47 member States of the United Nations. Du ring the
thirteenth regu lar session, the following member States made up the Council: Angola,
Argentina, Bahrain, Ba ngladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosn ia and Herzegov ina, Brazil,
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Gabon, Ghana,
Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kyrg yzstan, Madagasc ar, Mauritius,
Mexico, the Netherlands, Nicara gua, Nigeria, Nor way, Pakis tan, Philippines, Qatar,
Republic of Korea, Russia n Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
South Africa, U kraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay a nd Zambia.
During this period, the ocers of the Council were Ambassador Alex Van Meeuwen
of Belgium as President; Ambassadors Dian Triansyah Djani (Indonesia), Carlos
Portales (Chile), and Andrej L ogar (Slovenia) as Vice-Presidents; and A mbassador
Hisham Badr (Eg ypt) was Vice-President and Rapporteur.
* Bret i ele is Coordinator of the Litigation P rogramme with the Centre on Housing Rights and
Evictions (COHRE), Ge neva, Switzerland a nd Mayra Gómez is the Coord inator of the Women and
Housing Right s Programme at COHR E.
1 See U N Doc. A/HRC/13/L.10, 26 March 2 010, for full texts of al l resolutions and decisions .
2 On Erit rea, Cyprus, Dominic an Republic, Cambodia , Nor way, Al bania, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire,
Portugal, Bhutan, Domi nica, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Brunei, Costa Rica, Equatoria l
Guinea, and Et hiopia.
3 Pleas e see the United Nations Oce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights website, avail able
at: www.ohchr.org /english/bodies /hrcouncil/.

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