III: Governmental and Administrative Institutions Institutions Politiques et Administratives

Published date01 December 2017
Date01 December 2017
Subject MatterAbstracts

(a) Central institutions /Institutions centrales

ALBALA, Adrián — Coalition presidentialism in bicameral
adaptation of non-profit associations and organizations, and their clearer
congresses: how does the control of a bicameral majori-
positioning within a wider "social and solidarity economy", which was
ty affect coalition survival? Brazilian Political Science Re-
consolidated by a framework Law in 2014. The article then examines the
view 11(2), 2017 : online.
current sharing of responsibilities between the public and non-profit
Presidential legislative majorities under bicameral congresses have
sectors in education, health and social services, pointing to the diverse
historical and political conditions which have led to this shared organiza-
seldom been considered in the literature on coalition cabinets. Bicameral
tion. [R]
congresses comprise a double round of negotiation for the executive,
increasing the shadow of the unexpected. Indeed, controlling one of the
two chambers may not be sufficient for a president to guarantee the
ARENDS, Helge — Equal living conditions vs. cultural
approval of policies. In this case, what if a government does not control
sovereignty? Federalism reform, educational poverty and
both houses? How are coalition cabinets affected by the non-control of
spatial inequalities in Germany. Publius 47(4), Fall 2017 :
one or both chambers? I focus analysis on the 25 cases of coalition
cabinets in Latin America since the return of democracy and present a
bicameral framework. Through mvQCA, I find that, contrary to common
By focusing on the relevance of Germany’s first fiscal federalism reform
belief, the controlling of a bicameral majority is neither necessary nor
of 2005 for the education sector, I investigate how two key constitutional
sufficient to ensure stable coalitions. [R]
principles, namely the principle of equal living conditions across regions
and the principle of cultural sovereignty of the states, relate to each
other. In a first step, I investigate the determinants of the newly decen-
tralized competences to determine teachers’ salaries and the impact on
Sean M. — Leaving on a jet plane: polarization, foreign
educational poverty. In a second step, I discuss whether these new sub-
travel, and comity in [US] Congress. Congress and the
central competences have led to an increase in spatial educational
Presidency 44(2), May-Aug. 2017 : 179-200.
inequalities. The results indicate that federal states make use of the new
No political observer, politician, or political scientist doubts that party
competences in a rational manner. Higher teacher pay, in turn, has a
polarization has weakened the social fabric of Congress. Measuring that
significant and conducive effect on the outcome of the federal states’
education sectors. [R, abr.]
effect, however, is exceedingly difficult. We operationalize the congres-
sional social fabric by examining the foreign travel behavior of members
of Congress over time. We evaluate the social disintegration in Congress
BEGIĆ, Zlatan — One more attempt by the US administra-
by examining if and whether changes in member travel can explain why
tion in Bosnia and Herzegovina: constitutional reform of
the social connectedness of members has waned. Using a unique
the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina — Mission im-
dataset of foreign travel for House members from 1977 to 2012, we find
possible or back to the future? Journal of Balkan and Near
that Republican House members, in particular, have altered their foreign
Eastern Studies 19(4), Aug. 2017 : 419-445.
travel patterns. Ideologically extreme members have always been less
likely to take foreign trips, but extremely conservative Republican have
The Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of
become much more likely to travel only with co-partisans as polarization
the Washington Peace Agreement which was the first step in establishing
has increased in Congress. [R, abr.]
the sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Constitution
established a complex constitutional arrangement of this entity, which
consists of 10 federal units-cantons. In the post-war period it turned out
ALLEN, Nicholas — Brexit, butchery and Boris: Theresa
that the Constitution of the Federation of BH contains a number of incon-
May and her first cabinet [UK]. Parliamentary Affairs 70(3),
sistent, contradictory and vague solutions that seriously affect the func-
July 2017 : 633-644.
tionality of the entire system of government. This paper provides analysis
This note analyses the formation of Th. May’s first Cabinet. It locates her
of the most important system problems in the functioning of government
in the Federation of BH. [R, abr.]
appointments against the backdrop of the Brexit referendum and com-
pares them to those of other Prime Ministers who took office during the
lifetime of a parliament. The scale of May’s reconstruction marks her out
BENITO, Ana B. — El diputado conseguidor: repre-
as one of the readier "butchers" of Downing Street. It demonstrated her
sentación política particularista en el Congreso de la
acceptance of the Brexit referendum result, signalled a clear break with
República Dominicana (1998-2010) (Broker depu-
Cameron and served to consolidate her power base. It also demonstrat-
ties: particularistic political representation in the Domini-
ed the huge potential leeway enjoyed by new Prime Ministers. However,
can Republic House of Representatives, 1998-2010). Re-
while wholesale ministerial butchery can be empowering, demonstrations
vista española de Ciencia política 44, July 2017 : 151-179.
of ruthlessness are no guarantee for future power. [R]
This work proposes a classification of the degree of inclusiveness of law
proposals to explore the role of the Dominican Legislative Power in the
AMAR, Vikram David — The stakes of electoral reform at
establishment or decline of particularistic responsiveness during the
home and abroad. Election Law Journal 16(2), 2017 : 211-
period from 1998 to 2010. It does so by identifying the institutional and
party variables which influence the weight of district matters in the exer-
This special Symposium Issue is striking for, among other things, its
cise of political representation. Statistical data shows that individualiza-
tion and strategic selection prevail over the generality and abstraction of
geographical, topical, and methodological bounds. From the Caribbean
to Egypt, from China to New Zealand, from Canada to Brazil, and count-
the mandate of representation, thus limiting the universal orientation of
the public policy by the Legislative power. [R]
less places in between, the authors examine developments in, among
other subjects, proportional voting; campaign finance reform; direct
democracy; universal suffrage movements; constitutional amendment
and revision processes; and the influences of history, culture, and indi-
BENZ, Arthur ; HEINZ, Dominic — Managing the economic
crisis in Germany: building multi-level governance in
vidual and group incentives on the possibilities for meaningful democra-
budget policy. Revue internationale de Politique comparée
cy. [R] [Introduction to a symposium on "Electoral reform in constitutional
23(3), 2016 : 355-378.
democracies", edited by Richard ALBERT and Michael PAL. See also
Abstr. 67.6567, 7198]
In 2008, Germany reacted to the economic crisis by implementing stimu-
lus packages. Since this policy resulted in the highest annual rise of
public debts, achieving balanced budgets emerged as a new paradigm
ARCHAMBAULT, Edith — The evolution of public service
for budget policy. This change brought opportunities and risks for individ-
provision by the third sector in France. Political Quarterly
ual Länder. In the short-term, they could spend the additional money
88(3), July-Sept. 2017 : 465-472.
resulting from the federal government’s incentives for investments; but in
Public services have been externalized, in part, to the non-profit sector in
the long run, they had to face the imperative of achieving balanced
France and in the UK. This article reviews relations between the public
budgets by the year 2020 essentially on their own. Thus, the conver-
and non-profit sector in France before 2008, and its evolution since. This
gence of budget policy and the agreement on the new policy paradigm of
has been characterized by the slow reduction of public funding, the
balanced budgets have increased fiscal disparities among the Länder


Governmental and administrative institutions
(“output divergence”), with multilevel coordination of budget policy con-
closely, with an emphasis on the main "constitutional entrepreneurs", the
tributing to this effect. [R, abr.] [See Abstr. 67.7463]
reform process, and types of civic engagement with the reform. Fourth,
"constitutional resistance" to the Grande Riforma is discussed. [R, abr.]
BERMUDEZ, Sandra ; CORDERO, Guillermo — Who is
recruiting our crew? Contextual determinants of [Span-
BOMBERG, Elizabeth — Environmental politics in the
ish] MPS’ selection. Acta politica 52(3), July 2017 : 265-285.
Trump era: an...

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