Improving Law, Skills and Practice

AuthorSafda Mahmood/Julie Doughty
20 Improving Law, Skills and Practice

It is necessary for lawyers to keep up to date with statute and case law and to constantly develop knowledge and skills, not only in law but, for example, in medicine, psychology and parenting.

Legal practitioners should look for training events which are run by various providers, such as The Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Bar Council, and those run by the associations listed in para 20.1.

It is vital to maintain a list of resources to which child clients and families may be referred and it helps to belong to organisations which can provide information and assistance. In those areas of the country where child law practitioners may find themselves isolated, discussion with a network of colleagues provides moral and practical support.

20.1 Professional and interdisciplinary associations

Legal practitioners are represented on Local Family Justice Boards, which are interdisciplinary groups attached to each care centre. The Boards were established to support the work of the Family Justice Board, by bringing together the key local agencies, including decision makers and front-line staff, so as to achieve significant improvement in the performance of the family justice system in their local areas.

A good resource for child law practice is the experience of colleagues. Listed below are some of the organisations which have been recommended to the authors as helpful in the provision of networking, training and information. By listing these, the authors are not expressing any preference, and the list is by no means exhaustive:

Association of Lawyers for Children (ALC), 1GC Family Law, 10

Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PB, 07473 590332,,

CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy, (CoramBAAF), Coram

Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AZ, 0300 222 5775,,

254 Child Care and Protection: Law and Practice

British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN), 17 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET, 01904 613605,,

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS), National Office, 3rd Floor, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3HF, 0300 456 4000,,

Family Justice Council, Office of the President of the Family Division, 11th Floor Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of...

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