Industrial Training (Construction Board) Order 1964

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
CitationSI 1964/1079

1964 No. 1079


The Industrial Training (Construction Board) Order 1964

13thJuly 1964

20thJuly 1964

21stJuly 1964

The Minister of Labour (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister") after consultation with organisations and associations of organisations appearing to be representative respectively of substantial numbers of employers engaging in the activities hereinafter mentioned and of substantial numbers of persons employed in those activities and with the bodies established for the purpose of carrying on under national ownership industries in which the said activities are carried on to a substantial extent and by virtue of the powers conferred on him by section 1 of, and paragraphs 1 and 7 of the Schedule to, the Industrial Training Act 1964(a) (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf hereby makes the following Order:—

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Industrial Training (Construction Board) Order 1964 and shall come into operation on 21st July 1964.

(2) The Interpretation Act 1889(b) shall apply to the interpretation of this Order as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Establishment of Industrial Training Board

2. An industrial training board to be known as the Construction Industry Training Board (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") is hereby established to exercise in relation to the activities specified in Schedule 1 to this Order as the activities of the construction industry the functions conferred on industrial training boards by the Act.

Membership and proceedings of the Board

3. The provisions of Schedule 2 to this Order shall have effect in relation to the Board.

Joseph Godber, Minister of Labour.

Dated 13th July 1964.

(a) 1964 c. 16.

(b) 52 & 53 Vict. c. 63.



1. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the activities of the construction industry are the following activities in so far as they are carried out in Great Britain:—

(a) all operations in—

(i) the construction, alteration, repair or demolition of a building;

(ii) the construction or demolition of a railway-line, siding or monorail;

(iii) the construction, structural alteration, repair or demolition of any aerodrome, airport, bridge, road, viaduct, dock, harbour, pier, quay, wharf, coast protection, river or drainage work, aqueduct, canal, inland navigation, reservoir, waterworks, bore-hole, well (other than an oil-well), filter bed, sewage works, sewer, cooling tower or pond, tunnel, heading, adit, chimney, furnace, carbonising or gas-making plant, nuclear or thermal power station, hydro-electric station, electric line or any structure designed for its support, cable trench or duct, oil refinery, pipe-line or defence installation;

(iv) the preparation of the site or the laying down of a foundation or sub-structure in connection with any of the above-mentioned operations or with the erection of structural metalwork;

(v) the construction of a swimming pool or other bathing place, or of a playing field or ground for sporting or recreational purposes, or the laying out of a cemetery;

(vi) the provision or continued provision for any building or other construction or work above-mentioned of water, gas, electricity, lighting, heating or ventilation, being operations undertaken in, upon, above or under the building or the close, curtilage or precincts thereof, or such construction or work, or any site above-mentioned;

(vii) the erection or dismantling of fencing, hoarding or scaffolding;

(b) the preparation of stone for building purposes;

(c) all operations in the manufacture of—

(i) a pre-fabricated building or section of a building, not being constructed wholly or mainly from metal, or plastics material, or from a combination of metal and plastics material;

(ii) doors, window frames, built-in storage units, stairs or curtain walling being in each case constructed wholly or mainly from wood; or

(iii) bank, church, laboratory or other joinery;

(d) the construction of shop, office or similar fittings on the premises on which they are to be installed;

(e) the erection or dismantling of exhibition stands;

(f) the hiring out of contractors' plant or scaffolding;

(g) when carried out in conjunction with any of the foregoing activities, any of the following...

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