Kirby v Wilkins
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Date | 1929 |
Year | 1929 |
Court | Chancery Division |
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12 cases
James Albert McLaughlin v The Commissioners Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs, TC 01870
...vs. Godson (1856) 8 De G.M. & G 152 Christie vs. Ovington (1875) 1 Ch 279 25 In Re Stringer’s Estate [1877] 6 Ch D1 Kirby vs. Wilkins [1929] 2 Ch 444 JR Bibby & Sons vs. IRC (1945) 29 TC 167 Re Brockbank [1948] 1 Ch 206 IRC vs. Silverts [1951] 1 Ch 521 30 Re Grimthorpe [1958] Ch 615 Napier ......
Mansard Mortgages 2007-2 Plc v Beyat Holdings Ltd if it agrees to become their nominee or agent, and undertakes to act on their instructions ( eg as to voting shares): see for example Kirby v Wilkins [1929] 2 Ch 444. But there is no evidence to support such an allegation 76 My conclusion accordingly is that there is no juridical basis ......
De Shaw Oculus Portfolios llc v Orient-Express Hotels Ltd
...v Producers Oil Corp (1934) 174 Atl 276 Speiser v Baker (1987) 525 A 2d 1001 Salomon v Salomon & CoELR [1897] AC 22 Kirby v WilkinsELR [1929] 2 Ch 444 In re Castiglione's Will TrustsELR [1958] 1 Ch 549 Stena Finance BV v Sea Containers LtdBDLR [1989] Bda LR 71 Dyason v JC Hutton Pty LtdUNK ......
...v GodsonENR (1856) 8 De G.M. & G 152Christie v Ovington (1875) 1 Ch 279In Re Stringer's EstateELR[1877] 6 Ch D1Kirby v WilkinsELR[1929] 2 Ch 444JR Bibby & Sons v IR CommrsTAX(1945) 29 TC 167Re BrockbankELR[1948] 1 Ch 206IR Commrs v SilvertsTAX(1951) 29 TC 491Re GrimthorpeELR[1958] Ch 615Nap......
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