Land Registration Objection to an Application to the Tribunal to Rectify or Set Aside Document(s)
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Subject Matter | Land Registration (First-tier Tribunal) forms |
First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)
Land registration objection to an application to the tribunal to rectify or set aside document(s)
Section 108(2) land registration act 2002
Part 1 – Details of Respondent
Please fill in the contact details of the person making the objection
Name |
Address |
Postcode |
Work phone no. |
Home phone no. |
Mobile phone no. |
Fax |
Part 2 – Details of Respondent’s Solicitor or other representative
If applicable, please fill in the details of the respondent’s solicitor or other representative
Name |
Address |
Postcode |
Phone no. |
Fax |
In the case of a lay representative (i.e. someone who is not a qualified solicitor or barrister), the Respondent’s signature is required below to authorise the lay representative to act on their behalf.
Signature |
Date |
Part 3 – Grounds for the respondent’s objection
Please enter the grounds for the objection
Part 4 – List of documents
Please list the documents in your possession or control which –
- are central to your case, or
- the tribunal or any other party to the proceedings will require in order properly to your grounds of objection.
Description |
Original/Copy |
Date of document |
Parties |
Document number |
[Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary]
Part 5 – List of witnessesPlease list any witnesses that you intend to call to give evidence to support your objection.
Part 6 – Copy documents to include with your objection
You must:
- Include a copy of each of the documents you have listed in Part 4 of this form; and
- Serve on the other party/ies a copy of all the information and documents served on the Tribunal
Part 7 – Statement of Truth
The objection must be verified by a statement of truth before it can be accepted.
I believe/the Respondent believes that the facts stated in this application are true.
Signed: Date:
I am the |
Respondent |
Respondent’s Representative |
and my relationship to the Respondent is
Part 9 – Where to send this form
Please return the completed form and copy documents to:
HM Courts & Tribunals
Property Chamber
Land Registration Division
3rd Floor
10 Alfred Place
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