Learning lessons of ward Covid outbreaks

Published date13 September 2021
Publication titleDaily Post - North Wales Edition (Wales)
"Established COVID escalation plans were in place prior to the outbreak, however once the YG site was running with high occupancy levels, this became increasingly challenging. As a result, the impact operationally led to poor cohorting of COVID positive and non-positive patients, pathways were mixed in the same ward. This was a key recommendation from the learning at the WMH and YGC site in order to reduce the nosocomial spread that unfortunately was missed/not embedded". "Staff portrayed an overwhelming loss of situational awareness during these surge periods, and as a result, there was evidence of deviation from agreed COVID pathways by mixing different COVID status patients in the same area... the designated COVID ward had a mix of both red (COVID) and green (non-COVID) patients. On visiting the ward, it was not evident both at the ward entrance and once in the ward which areas were red, and which were green".

"However, once in surge, it quickly became apparent the A&E 'Standard Operating...

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