Leslie Kosmin QC and Catherine Roberts, Company Law Meetings and Resolutions: Law, Practice, and Procedure

Date01 May 2022
Published date01 May 2022

The law and practice of company meetings and resolutions is difficult. Most of the issues arise in respect of Rumsfeldian “unknown unknowns” – technical questions of procedure that arise because one particular party wishes to drive through a certain agenda (regardless of whether that agenda carries majority support), and wishes to use any technical means necessary. Practitioners therefore need an easily accessible, authoritative guide to the law and practice of this area to be able to find the rules quickly. Some such works risk becoming too concerned with general meeting law (and not enough with the specifics of company law), and some provide too general an overview.

The third edition of this book by leading barristers (with academic connections) provides such a guide and is therefore to be welcomed. The book provides the right balance between content for a practitioner to be able to find the right area of law quickly, and an interesting discussion of relevant authorities to an academic standard. It is in five parts: the law of meetings of shareholders, the law of meetings of directors, commentary on companies legislation, commentary on “Table A” regulations under the Companies Act 1985, and commentary on the “Model Articles” in respect of the Companies Act 2006. It is noteworthy that these parts...

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